Mobilization of hematopoietic progenitor cells in patients with liver cirrhosis

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:px520
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AIM:To test the hypothesis that liver cirrhosis is associated with mobilization of hematopoietic progenitor cells. METHODS:Peripheral blood samples from 72 patients with liver cirrhosis of varying etiology were analyzed by flow cytometry.Identified progenitor cell subsets were immunoselected and used for functional assays in vitro. Plasma levels of stromal cell-derived factor-1(SDF-1) were measured using an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay.RESULTS:Progenitor cells with a CD133 + /CD45 + CD14 + phenotype were observed in 61%of th patients.Between 1%and 26%of the peripheral bloo mononuclear cells(MNCs)displayed this phenotype Furthermore,a distinct population of c-kit + progenito cells(between 1%and 38%of the MNCs)could b detected in 91%of the patients.Additionally,18% of the patients showed a population of progenito cells(between 1%and 68%of the MNCs)that wa characterized by expression of breast cancer resistanc protein-1.Further phenotypic analysis disclosed tha the circulating precursors expressed CXC chemokin receptor 4,the receptor for SDF-1.In line with thi finding,elevated plasma levels of SDF-1 were presen in all patients and were found to correlate with th number of mobilized CD133 + progenitor cells. AIM: To test the hypothesis that liver cirrhosis is associated with mobilization of hematopoietic progenitor cells. METHODS: Peripheral blood samples from 72 patients with liver cirrhosis of varying etiology were analyzed by flow cytometry. Identified progenitor cell subsets were immunoselected and used for functional assays in Plasma levels of stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1) were measured using an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay .RESULTS: Progenitor cells with a CD133 + / CD45 + CD14 + phenotype were observed in 61% of patients. 1% and 26% of the peripheral bloo mononuclear cells (MNCs) displayed this phenotype Yet, a distinct population of c-kit + progenito cells (between 1% and 38% of the MNCs) could b detected in 91% of the patients. Additionally, 18% of the patients showed a population of progenito cells (between 1% and 68% of the MNCs) that wa characterized by expression of breast cancer resistanc protein-1.Further phenotypic analysis disclosed tha the circulating precur sors expressed CXC chemokin receptor 4, the receptor for SDF- 1. in line with thi finding, elevated plasma levels of SDF-I were presen in all patients and were found to correlate with th number of mobilized CD133 + progenitor cells.
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