
来源 :湖南省县域经济发展报告 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:netbaby
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一、统—思想,振奋精神,坚定加快祁东崛起的信心和决心当前,祁东县正处于改革发展的关键阶段和迈向工业化、现代化的重要时期。全县广大党员干部一定要认清新形势,把握新要求,统一思想,振奋精神,坚定加快祁东崛起的信心和决心。(一)要站在科学发展的高度来统一思想,振奋精神科学发展观是马克思主义理论创新的最新成果,是我党治国理政的崭新理念,是时代发展进步的主旋律。党的十七大、中央、省委和市委经济工作会议,再次明确了深入贯彻落实科学发展观、推动经济社会又好又快发展的总要求。我们一定要在认真学习、深刻领 I. Unite - Thought, Inspire Spirit and Firmly Accelerate the Confidence and Determination of the Rise of Qidong At Present, Qidong County is at a crucial stage of reform and development and an important period of industrialization and modernization. The majority of Party members and cadres in the entire county must recognize the new situation, grasp the new requirements, unify their thoughts, raise their spirits and firmly speed up the confidence and determination in the rise of Qidong. (1) It is the latest achievement of Marxist theoretical innovation that we should unify thinking and raise the scientific outlook on development from the scientific development level. It is a brand-new concept of our party governing the country and the government, and is the main theme of the development and progress of the times. The 17th CPC National Congress, the Central Committee, the Provincial Party Committee and the Municipal Party Committee’s Economic Working Conference once again clearly defined the general requirements for thoroughly implementing the scientific concept of development and promoting sound and rapid economic and social development. We must learn conscientiously and deeply
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