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庄子故里安徽蒙城县,最近发生了一起庄子造纸厂干部职工和周围群众械斗的事件,闻讯前去制止的公安部门连人带车也遭围困。人们不禁要问厂群关系何至于发展到如此地步。据蒙城县政府的调查,打架的直接原因是工厂附近的群众王某酒后打了纸厂的送草人朝某。深层次原因则有以下四点:一是庄子造纸总厂每年排放的170万吨有毒有害废水,流入周围沟塘造成大面积污染,加之纸厂五眼深井日夜抽水, The hometown of Zhuangzi, Mengcheng County, Anhui Province, recently witnessed the fierce fighting between cadres and workers of the Zhuangzi Paper Mill and the surrounding people. The public security department that went to stop the hearing even brought a car into the siege. People can not help but ask how the relationship between factories and factories has developed to such an extent. According to a survey by the Mengcheng County government, the immediate cause of the fighting was that the people in the vicinity of the factory played a messenger toward the paper mills. Deep-seated reasons are the following four points: First, the annual discharge of 1.7 million tons of toxic and hazardous waste water discharged by Chuang-tzu Paper Mill led to large area pollution around the ditches. In addition, the five deep-
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Suntech Power Holdings Co.,Ltd.(NYSE:STP)announced July 22nd that Suntech hasrecently entered into a strategic agreementwith China Huadian New Energy Develop-m
第一章 总 则 第一条 为了规范公证行为,发挥公证的证明、服务、沟通、监督作用,预防和减少纠纷,维护国家利益和公民、法人及其他组织的合法权益,根据国家有关法律、法规的
【正】 Since the inorganic fluoride chemicals indus-try sprang up in the 1930’s,its product vari-ety has been on the increase,and the fields ofapplications kee
第一条(目的和依据)为了加强本市黄浦江防汛墙的保护管理,保障防汛安全,根据《中华人民共和国防汛条例》和《上海市实施〈中华人民共和国水法〉办 Article 1 (Purpose and
Shanxi Antai Group Co.,Ltd.(SH:600408)said on April 19thits board has approved a private share placement plan to issueup to 200 million RMB-denominated A share