继续结合实际 加强港口宣传

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《中国港口》自1986年创刊至今,胜利地渡过了十个春秋。它已成为在国内外发行的综合性期刊,日益显示出其舆论导向,促进港口事业发展的作用。我谨代表中国港口协会致以热烈的祝贺! 《中国港口》在开创初期既无专职人员又缺少经费的困难情况下,经过艰苦工作,多方筹措,逐步茁壮成长起来,发行覆盖面逐步扩及到全国沿海和内河主要港口以及相关单位。如今,已是港口界共同耕耘的园地。十年来,《中国港口》坚持贯彻党的改革开放政策,按照交通部有关港口工作的指示精神,紧密结合港口实际,从港刊的特点出发,对港口面临的新形势、新情况与新问题,以及港口在改革开放与建设发展中创造的新经验,组织宣传报道,进行交流与探讨。尤其在实行“一家主办、多家协办”新的办刊体制后《中国港口》坚持“立足港口,纵横延伸,面向市场,走向世界”的办刊宗旨,把在港口培育和发展社会主义市场经济体制作为宣传报道的重点,围绕港口管理体制、费收价格、建立现代企业制度、港口规划建设、组建保税区等多方面的问题组织报道,为港口走向市场、走向世界,进一步改革开放,加快发展,起到了舆论、交流和促进作用,并且已经走出了一条具有港口特色的办刊新路子。 《中国港口》十年来所以能取得比较好的成就,一是交通部领导及其有关司局 China Port has enjoyed 10 years of success since it was founded in 1986. It has become a comprehensive periodical issued both at home and abroad, increasingly showing its role of guiding public opinions and promoting the development of the port. On behalf of China Port Association, I hereby give my warm congratulation! With hard work, multi-factor financing, and gradually growing up, the “China Port” has gradually expanded its coverage to the major ports and related ports along the coast and inland rivers of the country under the difficult circumstances of having initially employed full-time staff and lack of funds. Nowadays, it is already a commonplace for the port community to work hard. In the past decade, according to the instructions of the Ministry of Communications on port work, in line with the actual port conditions, starting from the characteristics of port magazines, the “China ports” adhere to the party’s policy of reform and opening up. In light of the new situation, new situations and problems faced by ports, As well as ports in the reform and opening up and construction and development of new experiences created by the organization of publicity and reporting, conduct exchanges and discussions. In particular, following the implementation of a new system of “one host, multiple co-sponsorships”, the “China Port” insisted on the principle of “based on the port, extending vertically and horizontally, facing the market and the world,” and took the initiative to cultivate and develop the socialist market economy in the port As the key point of propaganda and reporting, the system organizes and reports on various issues such as port management system, fee collection, establishment of modern enterprise system, port planning and construction and establishment of bonded areas. In order to port to the market, to the world, to further reform and opening up, to speed up development, Played a role of media, exchange and promotion, and has come out with a port with the characteristics of a new journal. “China’s ports” so it has achieved relatively good results in the past ten years. First, the leaders of the Ministry of Communications and relevant departments
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