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平平两岁半,自幼母乳喂养,长得白白胖胖的,很可爱。自从十个月断母乳后,除牛奶之外,平平最爱吃的是米糊,最爱喝的是秋梨膏水,白开水一口不喝,吃菜更困难。为了让平平吃菜,姥姥把菜切得碎碎的,包成小馄饨、小饺子才能让平平“混”着吃一点,菜还不能放多了,否则平平就会吐出来,并叫着说:“没有肉。”煮菜粥平平也不肯吃,无奈,只好煮点菜水下面条。姥姥说:“这孩子嗓子眼太小,连点菜末都咽不下去。” 我先询问了孩子吃辅食的过程。平平四个月才开始喝煮苹果水,后来就用秋梨膏冲水,代替了苹果水。她越喝越多,现在一周能喝两瓶秋梨膏。平平六个月才加蛋黄,八九个月偶尔加点米糊,到十个月断奶时,平平还只靠牛奶填饱肚子。后来听人说,十个 Flat two and a half years old, breastfeeding since childhood, looks white and fat, very cute. Since ten months off breast milk, in addition to milk, the usual favorite is rice cereal, love to drink autumn pear cream water, a boiled water, eat more difficult. In order to make food, grandma cut the chopped vegetables, wrapped into a small wonton, small dumplings can be flat “mix ” eat a little, the food can not put more, or flatten out, and called Said: “No meat.” Cooked porridge flat refused to eat, helpless, had to cook a la carte of water under the noodles. Grandmother said: “This child’s throat is too small, even the end of the food can not swallow.” "I first asked the children to eat food supplement process. Ordinary four months before they began to drink apple water, then use autumn pear cream flush, instead of apple water. The more she drinks, the more she can drink two bottles of autumn pear cream a week now. Flattened six months before adding the egg yolk, eight or nine months occasionally add some rice paste, to ten months of weaning, the only plain milk filled stomach. Later heard people say ten
晚期肺癌的发病近年有逐渐上升的趋势 ,而且临床诊断时往往是晚期 ,已成为恶性肿瘤死亡原因中的主要疾病 ,对其治疗应予重视。我院于 1994年7月至 1997年 7月对不适合手术、
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随着人们生活水平的不断提高,人们在“吃”字上也越来越讲究,于是便“吃”出一个又一个新花样来,兴许您想知道—— With the continuous improvement of people’s living s