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监管职能分离后,人民银行作为国务院的宏观调控部门,将集中精力履行制定和执行货币政策、维护金融稳定和提供金融服务的职能。为适应宏观调控的需要,作为中央银行宏观决策支持系统的金融统计工作,其重心应从单纯地对银行业的统计转向对整个金融业的统计,从而构成对宏观经济的完整监测。目前,如何将住房公积金中心、养老基金、贷款担保公司等迅速发展的非银行金融中介机构的业务并入现行统计体系,并准确反映其信用总量变化及风险状况;在统计上如何正确反映“集合信托投资计划”等新的金融业务的发展情况,成为新时期人民银行进一步开展统计工作的重点。针对上述亟需关注的金融统计热点问题,人民银行济南分行统计研究处组织人民银行(山东省)系统统计人员进行了专题调研,形成了四篇调研报告,初步摸清了上述业务的运行现状,对并入现行统计体系、正确反映其业务发展情况提出了操作性意见和建议。本刊在此择要刊发,以期对制定金融统计制度、完善金融统计监测体系提供参考。 After the separation of regulatory functions, the PBC, as the macro-control department under the State Council, will concentrate on its functions of formulating and implementing monetary policies, maintaining financial stability and providing financial services. In order to meet the needs of macroeconomic regulation and control, as the financial statistics work of macroeconomic decision support system of the central bank, the focus should be shifted from the statistics of the banking industry to the statistics of the entire financial industry to form a complete monitoring of the macroeconomy. At present, how to incorporate the rapidly growing non-bank financial intermediary institutions such as housing provident fund centers, pension funds and loan guarantee companies into the existing statistical system and accurately reflect the changes in their credit aggregates and their risks? How to correctly reflect the “ Collective trust investment plan ”and other new financial business developments have become the focus of the PBC to carry out further statistical work in the new era. In response to the hotly-needed financial statistics hotspot issue, the PBC Statistical Research Office of Jinan Branch organized a series of special surveys on the system statisticians of the People’s Bank of China (Shandong Province), formed four research reports and found out the operational status quo of the above businesses, Opinions and suggestions were put forward on the incorporation of the current statistical system and the correct reflection of its business development. The publication in this choice to publish, with a view to the development of financial statistics system, improve the financial statistics monitoring system to provide a reference.
目的:探讨体外冲击波碎石(extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy,ESWL)联合经内镜逆行胰胆管造影术(endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography,ERCP)治疗高龄困难胆总
本文对衡阳市城区728名1~6岁儿童起始喂养方式与发中Zn Cu Fe微量元素含量进行了比较,同时对其年龄、身高、体重发育指标与有关微量元素的关系进行了调查分析。结果表明:同一