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人生的记忆并非每一页都是美丽、甜蜜以及浪漫的,让我们感动的往往是一些平淡、琐碎甚至不知不觉淡忘了的曾经。在那些无数的曾经中,老师值得我们永远感恩。他们搀扶过我们,鼓励过我们,引导过我们……在第21个教师节来临之际,如果你想表达自己心底的谢意,请用这一特别的方式——为你的恩师订阅一份《语文教学通讯·高中刊》,让她和你一起见证师生真情,将这份尊重、这份理解、这份温馨传递给你敬爱的老师,相信《语文教学通讯·高中刊》将会成为你恩师事业乃至生活中的佳友良伴。因为,《语文教学通讯·高中刊》是目前全国唯一一份专职服务高中语文教学的刊物,是中国教育学会中学语文教学专业委员会会刊、中国对外交流首选语文期刊,中国期刊方阵双效期刊、全国中文核心期刊、华北地区优秀期刊,并连续9年被评为山西省一级期刊。师恩难忘,师恩永驻。《语文教学通讯·高中刊》举办的此次“寸草心”订阅活动,将圆你一个报答师恩的美梦。如期把《语文教学通讯·高中刊》连同你的祝福奉送到你的恩师的手里吧!还等什么呢?赶快行动吧!活动办法:1.可破季破月订阅,订一期、两期、半年、一年均可。2.你只要为你的恩师订阅本刊,本刊编辑部将会在2005年教师节来临之际,以你的名义制作精美贺卡一份,升写上你想对恩师表达的真情,送到你的恩师手上。请在订阅本刊的同时,把你对老师的祝福寄给我们,以备制卡。 The memory of life is not that every page is beautiful, sweet, and romantic. What moved us is often something that is plain, trivial, or even unconsciously forgotten. In those countless times, the teacher deserves our forever gratitude. They helped us, encouraged us, and guided us... When you come to the 21st Teacher’s Day, if you want to express your heartfelt gratitude, please use this special method to subscribe your mentor to a copy. The Chinese Language Teaching Newsletter and the High School Journal allow her to witness the true feelings of teachers and students with you, and convey this respect, this understanding, and the warmth to your beloved teacher. I believe that the Chinese Language Teaching Newsletter and High School Journal will become yours. Mentoring career and good friends in life. Because, “Chinese Language Teaching, Communication, and Senior High School Journal” is the only publication in China that is dedicated to serving high school Chinese language teaching. It is the journal of the Chinese Teaching Association of the Chinese Education Association, the preferred Chinese language journal for foreign exchange, and the double effect of Chinese periodical array. Periodicals, national Chinese core journals, and outstanding journals in North China, and were rated as the first-level periodicals of Shanxi Province for nine consecutive years. Shien is unforgettable, and Shi Yan is a permanent member. The “Chinchunchun” subscription activity organized by the “Languages, Communication, and Senior High School Journal” will round up your dreams of repaying your teacher. Schedule the “Chinese Language Education News and High School Journal” with your wishes to your teacher’s hands! What are you waiting for? Act now! Period, half year, year can be. 2. As long as you subscribe to the magazine for your mentor, the editorial department of this journal will produce a beautiful greeting card in your name on the occasion of the Teachers’ Day in 2005. You will send it to the true feelings you would like to express to the teacher. Your mentor hands. Please send us your blessings to the teacher while you subscribe to this publication to prepare your card.
1997年,香港就要回到祖国的怀抱,因此,了解香港幼儿教育的现状,对进一步深化我国幼儿教育改革,并使之与世界接轨,是十分重要的。 一、幼儿教育的机构与形成 香港幼儿教育属
本文介绍了新疆钢铁公司炼钢厂连铸循环冷却水系统的历史与现状。着重阐述(总结)了为实现高效连铸,对原冷却水系统所作的改造。 This article describes the history and cu