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一、学习贯彻要积极、全面、准确、深入 关于积极。一是要积极动起来;二是要积极学习研究;三是要积极广泛地宣传。在这个过程中,首先有个进一步解放思想的问题。在改革当中,解放思想是长期而艰巨的任务。特别是在国有企业改革过程中。人们还有许多不正确的传统观念,老的思维模式还比较顽固,不能顾全大局或求稳怕乱的心态还在起作用,这都会影响积极贯彻十五届四中全会《决定》。解放思想,必须实事求是。积极,不能离开从实际出发.遵循国有企业改革的规律去贯彻落实《决定》精神,才能使积极成为扎 First, study and implement should be positive, comprehensive, accurate, and in-depth. The first is to actively move; the second is to actively study and study; the third is to actively and widely publicized. In this process, first of all, there is the issue of further emancipating the mind. In the reform, emancipating the mind is a long-term and arduous task. Especially in the process of reform of state-owned enterprises. People still have many inaccurate traditional ideas. The old thinking mode is still stubborn. The mentality of not considering the overall situation or seeking stability and fear of chaos is still in effect. This will affect the active implementation of the “Decision” of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee. To emancipate our minds, we must seek truth from facts. Actively, we must not leave from the reality. We must follow the rules of the reform of state-owned enterprises to implement the spirit of the “decision” before we can actively make it
科技在发展,人类在进步,语言表达当然也不甘落后。瞧,连thank you都落伍了——新时代,处处新,日日新哦! In the development of science and technology, mankind is progre
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今年1月9日,云南省高级法院以贪污罪和巨额财产来源不明罪,判处"中国烟王"褚时健无期徒刑,剥夺政治权利终身。  此案最引人瞩目的大约是两点:  一、罪犯的身份非凡。褚时健是原玉溪红塔  (集团)公司总裁和董事长。玉溪卷烟厂僻处滇南,原是一家不大起眼的企业,褚1977  年任厂长后,效益迅速跃进,"红塔山"成为中国第一品牌,红塔集团成为中国烟草业龙头,褚时健自然居功至伟。  二、贪污的数额惊人。据不
扼杀人才的方式主要有两种:一种是显性方式,即对人才进行公开压制、排斥和打击:一种是隐性方式,即时人才进行“捧杀”、“累杀”和“闲 There are two main ways to stifle
企业所面临的环境分为内部环境和外部环境。实现企业盈利最大化目标要从这两种环境出发。对应于内、外两种环境,多元的企业目标就可分为经营和社会目标。在内部环 The envi