Preparation of Red Component in Secondary Metabolites of Recombinant Hansenula anomala N6076 and Its

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[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the preparation of red component in secondary metabolites of recombinant Hansenula anomala strain N6076 and its GC-MS detection. [Method] Thin-layer chromatography method was applied for large-scale preparation of red component in the secondary metabolites of recombinant H. anomala strain N6076. The red component was dissolved in anhydrous ethanol for GC-MS detection and chemical structure comparison in the database to identify its type. [Result] The red component is preliminarily identified as a quinone compound, while no compound with exactly the same structure as the red component has been found in WILEY, Nist and Nbs compound libraries. [Conclusion] This study laid the foundation for further NMR structure identification of the obtained red component and investigation of the relationship between its structure and biological effects. [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the preparation of red component in secondary metabolites of recombinant Hansenula anomala strain N6076 and its GC-MS detection. [Method] Thin-layer chromatography method was applied for large-scale preparation of red component in the secondary metabolites of recombinant H. anomala strain N6076. The red component was dissolved in anhydrous ethanol for GC-MS detection and chemical structure comparison in the database to identify its type. [Result] The red component was preliminarily identified as a quinone compound, while no compound with exactly the same structure as the red component has been found in WILEY, Nist and Nbs compound libraries. [Conclusion] This study laid the foundation for further NMR structure identification of the obtained red component and investigation of the relationship between its structure and biological effects.
公元1226年的深秋,成吉思汗亲自统帅蒙古帝国的大军从草原出发浩浩荡荡开往遥远的西夏。 在一个名叫阿尔不合的地方,当成群的野马疾驰而过的时候,成 The late autumn of 122
原料:白豆腐500 克,水发海参两根,虾仁 100克,冬笋50克配料:鸡蛋1个,香菜25克,面粉15克,葱花、姜丝、精盐、味精、香油、酱油各少许,花生油50克,鸡汤200克,淀粉10克精心料理:
撰写毕业论文是学生在学校学习最后一个重要的教学环节,结合会计学专业特点分析论文容易产生的问题,提出改进的措施。 Writing thesis is the last important teaching link
DFT methods have been used to study the hetero Diels-Alder reaction of thiazole and isothiazole with thiophen-2,5-dione.The thermodynamic and kinetic parameters