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目的研究伴鼻腔结构异常的OSAHS患者经鼻腔结构矫正手术后,气道结构形态的改变对患者整个上气道流场分布以及软腭运动姿态的影响。方法基于患者手术前后CT影像学数据,建立上气道及软腭三维有限元模型,采用流固耦合的方法模拟手术前后上气道流场特性及软腭的运动情况。结果手术矫正了异常的鼻腔结构形态,鼻腔及整个上气道阻力明显下降。术后软腭的肥厚水肿明显缓解,其游离缘的运动幅度减小。软腭运动幅度随弹性模量的减小而增大。术后的模拟结果与文献报道的正常人实验与模拟结果接近。结论鼻腔结构矫正手术改变了上气道结构,影响了气流流场的分布和软腭的运动姿态;不同病理生理状态下,软腭弹性模量的变化对其运动姿态有影响。 Objective To investigate the effects of changes of airway structure on the distribution of upper airway flow field and posture of soft palate in OSAHS patients with nasal structure abnormalities after nasal surgery. Methods Three-dimensional finite element models of the upper airway and the soft palate were established based on the CT images of the patients before and after surgery. The fluid-solid coupling characteristics were used to simulate the characteristics of the upper airway flow field and the movement of the soft palate. Results Surgery corrected abnormal nasal structure, nasal cavity and the entire upper airway resistance decreased significantly. Postoperative hypertrophy of the soft palate edema was significantly alleviated, the free edge of the exercise range decreases. The amplitude of soft palate increases with decreasing elastic modulus. The postoperative simulation results are close to those reported by the normal people in the literature. CONCLUSIONS: Nasal structure correction surgery changes the structure of the upper airway and affects the distribution of airflow and the movement of the soft palate. Under different pathophysiological conditions, the change of the elastic modulus of the soft palate affects its posture.
目的 探讨肝腺瘤的诊断、鉴别诊断及治疗方法和经验.方法 对1990年1月至2008年11月我院收治并经病理证实的13例肝腺瘤的临床资料进行回顾性分析.结果 13例患者临床表现多无明
目的 探讨腹腔镜用于卵巢囊肿诊治的指征和处理方法.方法 选择卵巢囊肿患者765例,术前予以阴道超声(TVS)检查、CA125肿瘤标志物检测,并结合囊肿近期变化情况对囊肿性质进行评
目的 运用偏相关分析评估通过光学相干断层扫描(OCT)测量健康人神经纤维层厚度(RNFL)与屈光不正和年龄的相关性.方法 对106例健康受试者的右眼的各个钟点、各象限和整个RNFL
目的 调查北京三甲医院住院病人对护理服务满意度现状.方法 采用多阶段抽样的方法选取北京市4家三级甲等医院即将出院的病人1 520例,采用纽卡斯尔病人对护理服务满意度量表(N
目的 了解湖南省尘肺死亡情况,探讨其死亡规律,为尘肺防治决策提供科学依据.方法 将全省尘肺数据库中死亡病例数转换成Excel电子表进行统计分析.结果 湖南省1954-2008年底报
目的 加强冠状动脉介入治疗围手术期患者的护理安全管理.方法 查找冠状动脉介入手术患者在围手术期间各护理环节安全隐患,并针对存在的安全隐患,制定和落实各项安全管理措施.