How does dialogic reading works for the children who have the literacy difficult

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  【Abstract】Dialogic reading is one of interventions for the children who have the literacy difficult, this paper is explained the Vygotsky’s zone of proximal and Bandura’ s social learning theory behind this intervention and explained why it works for the children who has the literacy difficult.
  【Key words】dialogic reading, Vygotsky’s zone of proximal; Bandura’ s social learning theory
  Most of the children can improve their vocabulary very quickly during the preschool age (Anglin 1993), but for some of the children, vocabulary acquisition is more complicated. The individual difference in vocabulary development may have a long-term effect, and the vocabularies are also played an essential role in children’s literacy development. So, the early intervention for children with slow vocabulary development is necessary (Hargrave and Sénéchal, 2000). Dialogic reading is one of the interventions try to help children who have the literary difficult. It is first to come up by Whitehurst et al. (1988), it is a particular way of sharing reading through multiple group reading and small group discussion. Adults by using strategic questioning and responding to encourage children to talk when they are reading the books to improve their vocabulary eventually (Doyle and Bramwell, 2006). This paper explained the Vygotsky’s zone of proximal and Bandura‘s social learning theory about dialogic reading and why it works as an intervention for children who have the literary difficult.
  Ⅱ.Zone of proximal development
  Vygotsky developed a zone of proximal development in the late 1920s. Vygotsky thinks Children have at least two development level. The first level is the current development level of students, and the second level is the higher level of problem-solving with the help of others under the guidance. The difference between these two levels is called the “zone of proximal development” (Shabani, Khatib and Ebadi, 2010). In other words, Vygotsky’s believes that with an adult’s help, children can learn new skills. But it seems like the Wertsch (2008) have different options, he believes that in order to achieve the level of self-regulation about the skills, the child must be able to fully understand the words, context situations, and instructions of the task to make sure that the Children establish and maintain consistency between their actions and adults’ speech. In other words, when adults try to help the child, they need to know the child’s understanding of the current situation.   Lonigan et al. (2007) pointed out what the adults need to do during the reading, first by asking the simple questions which the children can answer them individually to start to build the conversation with the children. Second, adults can start to ask children some open questions, during this stage the adults can provide some help for the children to answer these questions. Such as explaining the meaning of target words. Explain the meaning of the words to the children will have more significant gains in the vocabulary than just read them (Elley 1989). Third, after repeating reading the story to the children, they start knowing the story better, and the adults can start asking more deeper questions and encourage them to learn new vocabularies and be able to retell the stories. During the dialogic reading, adults also need to adjust the reading style, and the questions based on the child’s existing language level, then provide help for their literary development (Hargrave and Sénéchal, 2000). There are three principles during dialogic reading. They are evocative techniques, adults’ feedback and progressive change (Arnold et al., 1994). Adults asking questions and give feedback, correcting, modeling and encourage the children to finish some challenging tasks. Based on these strategies, dialogic reading can help children to improve their literacy.
  Ⅲ.Social learning theory
  Bandura (1976) thinks the complex behavior of human beings is formed after birth. Some of the behavior is genetic, and some are affected by the environment. Based on his social learning theory, he thinks that the information can be pass in two different ways, first is learn from the direct experience and the second is learning it from the indirect way which means by observing others (Bajcar and B?bel, 2018).
  There are two ways to learn new words, one is learning from the direct meaning of the phrase (Stahl 1997), the other is learning from the verbal contexts (Elley1989). The greatest advantage of dialogic reading is the children can learn the words in the story context (Penno et, al. 2002). Robbins and Ehri (1994) found out that when the children listening to the stories twice without the adults explain the meaning of the new words they can still acquire new vocabulary. The characteristics of dialogic reading are guiding the conversation in a small group, and repeat reading will provide a meaningful environment for the children to learn the vocabulary (Doyle and Bramwell, 2006).   When adults are doing the dialogic reading with children, the book also has the potential to link the children with the characters’ experience (Doyle and Bramwell, 2006). Children can learn certain skills from the characters, what to do and how to do it (Ladd
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【摘要】英语是初中学习阶段难度比较高的一门学科,而且由于目前世界趋于国际化的形势,导致英语变得越来越重要。但是因为我国应试教育的原因,大部分学生的英语并不是很好,甚至不喜欢学习英语,而英语不错的学生基本上掌握的也都是“哑巴英语”。针对这一现象,本文就探究了如何通过课堂导入的策略来增加学生学习英语的兴趣,以此提高学生的成绩。  【关键词】初中英语;课堂导入;策略  【作者简介】易文香,湖南省邵阳市隆
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[设计理念]  责任心是人格的重要组成部分,是孩子做人、成人的基础。从小培养学生的责任心对其健康人格的形成具有重要意义。本活动力求使学生意汉到承担责任的重要性,学会增强责任心的方法,提高心理素质。  [活动目的]  1,明晰承担责任的重要性  2提高责任意识  [活动重点]  感受或体验勇于承担责任的重要性  [适合年级]小学五年级  [活动内容]    一、暖身活动,感知责任  1.明确游戏规则
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