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随着知识经济的到来,新经济的竞争已经从原来的资本竞争逐渐过渡到技术和人才领域的竞争。全世界对高科技人才,特别是信息技术和生物技术方面人才的需求越来越大。一些发达国家已经发出人才紧缺的信号,纷纷制定措施大力培养和吸引高科技人才,以“短、平、快”的方式从发展中国家抢夺人才,这一现象应引起足够的重视。据美国信息技术协会的统计,去年美国各行各业创造了160万个技术岗位,但大约有一半的岗位空缺。集中了美国96%的信息技术公司、知识经济发源地之一的硅谷也面临着“人才危机”。最新一项调查显示,硅谷一带人才短缺比例高达10%,估计有34.6万个职位空缺,其中网络技术人才短缺尤为严重。美国如此,欧洲也面临着同样的问题。美国微软公司和英国IDC 市场调查公司进行的一项联合调查显示,欧洲各国今年共缺少信息技术人才约123万人,2002年将增加到近139万人,到2003年将进一步扩大至174万人。调查认为,由于信息技术人才的短缺,许多项目将无法实施。国际劳工局发表的一份报告指出,欧洲国家每 With the advent of the knowledge economy, the competition in the new economy has gradually shifted from the original capital competition to the competition in the technology and talent fields. The world has an increasing demand for high-tech talent, especially those in information technology and biotechnology. Some developed countries have already issued the signal of the shortage of qualified personnel and have devised measures to vigorously develop and attract high-tech professionals and take the opportunity to plunder their talents from developing countries in a “short, flat and fast” manner. This phenomenon deserves enough attention. According to the American Institute of Information Technology, 1.6 billion technical jobs were created in all walks of life in the United States last year, but about half of the vacancies were vacant. Focusing on 96% of the U.S. IT companies, Silicon Valley, one of the birthplaces of knowledge economy, is also facing a “talent crisis.” According to the latest survey, the proportion of talent shortage in Silicon Valley is as high as 10% with an estimated 346,000 vacancies, of which the shortage of network technicians is particularly serious. The United States, Europe is facing the same problem. A joint survey conducted by Microsoft of the United States and IDC market research firm in the United Kingdom shows that a total of about 1.23 million IT professionals are missing in Europe this year, increasing to nearly 1.39 million in 2002 and further to 1.74 million in 2003 . According to the survey, many projects will not be implemented due to the shortage of IT personnel. A report published by the International Labor Office notes that every European country
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我搞小学数学教学和教研有20多年了。总结自己的工作实践,在优化小学数学课堂教学方面有三点体会。 一、以职业化眼光看待小学数学教学 虽然小学数学的内容是简单的关于数与