Second-order consensus in networks of dynamic agents with communication time-delays

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lqy760305
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This paper proposes second-order consensus protocols with time-delays and gives the measure of the robustness of the protocols to the time-delay existing in the network of agents with second-order dynamics. By employing a frequency domain method, it is proven that the information states and their time derivatives of all the agents in the network achieve consensus asymptotically, respectively, for appropriate communication timedelay if the topology of weighted network is connected. Particularly, a tight upper bound on the communication time-delay that can be tolerated in the dynamic network is found. The consensus protocols are distributed in the sense that each agent only needs information from its neighboring agents, which reduces the complexity of connections between neighboring agents significantly. Numerical simulation results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness and the sharpness of the theoretical results for second-order consensus in networks in the presence of communication time-delays. This paper suggests second-order consensus protocols with time-delays and gives the measure of the robustness of the protocols to the time-delay existing in the network of agents with second-order dynamics. By employing a frequency domain method, it is proven that the information states and their time derivatives of all the agents in the network achieve consensus asymptotically, respectively, for appropriate communication time delay if the topology of weighted network is connected. Particularly, a tight upper bound on the communication time-delay that can be tolerated in the dynamic networks is found. The consensus protocols are distributed in the sense that each agent only needs information from its neighboring agents, which reduces the complexity of connections between neighboring agents significantly. theoretical results for second-order consensus in networks in the presence of communic ation time-delays.
摘要: 随着信息技术的迅猛发展,信息技术与学科教学整合为小学语文教学提供了良好的学习平台。信息技术与小学语文教学整合,就是将信息技术与语文课程的学与教融为一体,让内容丰富的语文课堂成为信息技术的载体,同时信息技术也成为语文课堂的一种崭新的支撑,从而转变了教师的教学理念,改进了学习方法,提高了学与教的效率,培养了学生的创新能力。  关键词: 信息技术小学语文有效整合    人类已进入信息时代,以计算
中学语文创新教育初探刘惠英  创新教育作为一种全新的教育理念和教育方法,必将给语文教育界带来全新的气象和崭新的面貌。要在中学语文教学中实施创新教育,首先应该明确中学语文教学创新教育的总体特征和对教师的基本要求。创新教育是根据有关创造性发展的原理,运用科学艺术的教学手段,培养学生的创新意识、创新精神和创新能力,造就创造型人才的一种新型方法。为此,中学语文教学的创新教育应具备以下特征。    一、以人
摘要: 本文作者结合多年的实践教学经验,就如何激发初中学生学习语文的兴趣这一话题,从五个方面进行了探讨和研究。  关键词: 初中语文教学兴趣提高途径    1.前言    课堂教学是激发学生学习兴趣,实施主体教育的主阵地。“成功的教学所需要的不是强制,而是激发学生的兴趣。”(托尔斯泰语)因此,在教学实践中,教师应着意创设各种有效情境,不失时机地点燃学生的兴趣之火,树立学生的自信,充分调动学生的积极
摘要: 引导学生发挥想象,续写课文结尾,可以激发学生的写作灵感,让学生写之有物,言之有味,使他们提高写作水平,掌握写作技巧。  关键词: 语文教学发挥想象续写    小学语文教师在教材中不难发现有好些课文的结尾都很含蓄,常常使人觉得意犹未尽,其感人的魅力耐人寻味。对此,教师就应该及时地因势利导,引导学生联系课文和生活实际,促使展开想象的翅膀,延伸课文内容,进行大胆而合理的续写,为全面提高学生的写作
著名特级教师于永正先生的课堂总会令人啧啧称赞:他让众多的语言障碍学生提高了语言表达的能力,取得了惊人的教学效果,反思我们平时的语文教学课堂,反思我们平时的语文教学,令我们头疼的是不少学生无论在读文还是在口语表达上都总是有所欠缺。如何扭转这种局面?针对所教学生的实际,笔者主要做实了以下几方面的工作。    一、真正地认识语言障碍学生    平时的语文教学中,由于课堂教学时间的限制,我们大多放弃了语言
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