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2001年电信市场的风云变幻已经成为历史,但中国电信拆分风波的起起落落、中国加入WTO的尘埃落定、联通CDMA的一波三折……可以说,2001年的中国电信业,是在发展中经受波折,在波折中不断发展的。2002年中国电信市场的序幕正在徐徐拉开,人们在关注:2002年的中国电信业,将会展开怎样的角逐?1月12日,在中国通信界的最高学府——北京邮电大学内,举办了一场别开生面的“新世纪中国电信业发展”论坛,信息产业部有关官员、电信行业知名专家、国内主要运营商中国电信、中国联通、中国移动的相关负责人,以及部分电信设备供应商,分别做了主题发言和电信技术发展趋势、电信服务、政府管制等方面的专题探讨。“2002年,中国电信业将与世界经济更为紧密地结合在一起,我们面临的困难将会更大。在新的形式下,中国电信业将如何发展,政府将如何创造公平、公正的竞争环境,企业应如何抓住机遇谋求更大的发展,世界电信业的滑波会不会对中国电信业造成冲击?电信格局正在发生变化,21世纪,中国电信业将何去何从?”在北京邮电大学MBA联合会“新世纪中国电信业的发展”论坛上,信息产业部经济调节与通信清算司司长张晓铁的话引发了人们太多的思考。 The changing telecom market in 2001 has become history, but the ups and downs of the China Telecom split storm, the dust settles in China’s accession to the WTO, China Unicom CDMA twists and turns ... ... It can be said that in 2001 China’s telecommunications industry is in development Tough twists and turns in the twists and turns in the continuous development. In 2002, the prelude of China’s telecom market is slowly unfolding. People are paying attention to: What kind of competition will be launched by China’s telecom industry in 2002? On January 12, held in Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, the highest school in China’s telecom industry A special forum for the development of China’s telecommunications industry in the new century, relevant officials from the Ministry of Information Industry, renowned experts in the telecommunications industry, relevant leaders of China Telecom, China Unicom and China Mobile, as well as some telecommunication equipment suppliers, Respectively, made a keynote speech and telecom technology trends, telecommunications services, government regulation and other aspects of the special discussion. “In 2002, China’s telecom industry will be more closely integrated with the world economy, we will face greater difficulties in the new form, how will the development of China’s telecom industry, the government will create a fair and equitable competition Environment, enterprises should seize the opportunity to seek greater development, the wave of the world telecom industry will not impact the Chinese telecom industry? Telecom is changing the pattern of the 21st century, China Telecom will go from here? ”In Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications At the forum of “The Development of China’s Telecommunication Industry in the New Century” held by the MBA Federation, Zhang Xiaotie, director of the Economic Regulation and Communications and Clearing Department of the Ministry of Information Industry, triggered too many people’s thoughts.
加利福尼亚中部有我所见过的最壮丽的海岸线。沿着蜿蜒曲折的1号公路缓缓行驶,放眼望去是一处处美得让人忘记了路途险峻的风景。无边无际汹涌而来的波涛拍打着嶙峋、粗犷的花岗岩峭壁,屹立着一片片迎着海风生长起来的柏树林。有时也会见到一株离群的柏树独自面对海洋,被海风塑造得奇形怪状。在蒙特利海湾著名的“17英里车道”景区,其标志就是长在伸入海中的悬崖上的“孤独柏”,迎风招展,仿佛一株迎客柏。  如果没有这些被