以德治班 改变散、懒、娇

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以德治班要把思想工作做到学生心坎上,变散漫为团结、紧张。去年暑期,我接了初一一班,孩子们各行其事、一盘散沙,30名学生中有11名不知道学习为了啥。甚至有的学生搬上来家长那一套:“不管学不学,照样为款爷。”这说明有些家长只忙于包山包河,眼睛盯在了钱上,忽视了对孩子的学习目的教育。于是开学不久我把蛟河著名的革命烈士后代隋凤喜请来,让他讲述父亲隋金山在朝鲜松骨峰战斗中的可歌可泣的事迹。让学生切实具体地懂得今天幸福生活的来之不易,从而增强爱国爱校爱学习的意识。除此之外,我在两个月内 To govern the country with morality, we must make ideological work a heart for the students, and loosen up for the unity and tension. In the summer of last year, I took the classes one by one. The children did everything in their lives and scattered in a mess. Eleven of the 30 students did not know how to study. There are even some students who have moved up to the parents: “No matter if you do not study, you still have money.” This shows that some parents are only busy with Baoshan Baohe and their eyes are fixed on the money, ignoring education on their children’s learning objectives. . Soon after the school started, I invited Yan Fengxi, a descendant of the famous revolutionary martyrs of the Luohe River, to tell him about the father’s evangelical deeds in the battle of Songfeng Mountain in North Korea. Let students practically and concretely understand the hard-won gains of today’s happy life, thereby enhancing the sense of patriotic love for school and love learning. In addition, I am within two months
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