
来源 :德宏师范高等专科学校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:willzhang86
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文章以云南省为研究案例区,采用线性回归方程、地理集中系数、动态分析等数学模型和分析方法研究旅游交通供给与云南省旅游空间结构之间的关联性,得出以下结论:山区交通供给与旅游空间结构演化存在双边互馈耦合关系,山区交通发展走向为旅游资源开发格局提供基本骨架;旅游经济收入水平及“旅游流”等要素又反作用于交通建设规模并影响交通建设走势。据此提出了优化云南省旅游空间结构着力优化“一圈、三带、五区”、开拓新的旅游资源点促进旅游均衡发展、增强交通与旅游经济耦合协调度等建议。 Taking Yunnan Province as a case study area, the paper studies the relationship between tourism traffic supply and tourism spatial structure in Yunnan Province by using linear regression equation, geographical concentration coefficient, dynamic analysis and other mathematical models and analysis methods, and draws the following conclusions: The spatial structure of tourism and the evolution of bilateral existence there is a mutual coupling between the two sides, the development of traffic in mountainous areas for the development of tourism resources to provide a basic framework; income level of tourism economy and “tourist flow ” and other factors in the traffic construction scale and impact traffic construction trend. Based on this, some suggestions are put forward, such as optimizing the spatial structure of tourism in Yunnan Province, optimizing “one cycle, three zones and five zones”, opening up new tourist resources to promote the balanced development of tourism, and enhancing the coordination of traffic and tourism economy.
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患女,6岁。因发热咳嗽一周,气促、右上腹痛两天入院。粘液脓性痰、带血丝,伴恶心、呕吐数次,经对症处理无效。入院前两天出现气促、右上腹痛喜右侧卧位。体检:T37.2℃、P 16
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