Real-time sono-elastography in the diagnosis of diffuse liver diseases

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ganlu0416
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AIM: To analyze whether computer-enhanced dynamic analysis of elastography movies is able to better characterize and differentiate between different degrees of liver fibrosis. METHODS: The study design was prospective. A total of 132 consecutive patients with chronic liver diseases and healthy volunteers were examined by transabdominal ultrasound elastography. All examinations were done by two doctors.RESULTS: Due to the limitations of the method, we obtained high-quality elastography information in only 73.48% of the patients. The κ-means clustering method was applied to assess the inter-observer diagnosis varia- bility, which showed good variability values in accordance with the experience of ultrasound examination of every observer. Cohen’sκ test indicated a moderate agreement between the study observers (κ = 0.4728). Furthermore, we compared the way the two observers clustered the patients, using the test for comparing two proportions (t value, two-sided test). There was no statistically significant difference between the two physicians, regardless of the patients’ real status. CONCLUSION: Transabdominal real-time elastography is certainly a very useful method in depicting liver hard- ness, although it is incompletely tested in large multicenter studies. AIM: To analyze whether computer-enhanced dynamic analysis of elastography movies is able to better characterize and differentiate between different degrees of liver fibrosis. A total of 132 consecutive patients with chronic liver diseases and healthy volunteers were examined by transabdominal ultrasound elastography. All examinations were done by two doctors .RESULTS: Due to the limitations of the method, we obtained high-quality elastography information in only 73.48% of the patients. The κ -message clustering method was applied to assess the inter -observer diagnosis varia- bility, which showed good variability values ​​in accordance with the experience of ultrasound examination of every observer. Cohen’s test indicates a moderate agreement between the study observers (κ = 0.4728). Furthermore, we compared the way the two observers clustered the patients, using the test for comparing two proportions (t value, two-sided test). There was no st atistically significant difference between the two physicians, regardless of the patients’ real status. CONCLUSION: Transabdominal real-time elastography is certainly a very useful method in depicting liver hard- ness, although it is incompletely tested in large multicenter studies.
摘 要:对于听力有障碍的学生来说,书面沟通能力的培养是提升学生逻辑思维能力的重要途径。聋校可以通过“读写结合”的方式来培养学生这方面的能力,以特定的文章为载体,由文章内容出发,设置必要的写作训练。本文从实际经验出发,以聋校义务教育阶段的语文“读写结合”的教学模式为例,对这类问题进行探究。  关键词:聋校;义务教育阶段;听障学生;语言沟通能力;培养  聋校义务段听障学生是指在聋校就读的一到九年级的学
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