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4月19日,一年一度的中国内衣文化周暨SIUF中国(深圳)国际品牌内衣展在深圳会展中心盛装启幕。深圳市副市长陈彪,国家工信部消费品工业司司长高延敏、副司长曹学军,中国纺织工业联合会副会长徐迎新、中国商业联合会副会长王耀、中国服装设计师协会主席张庆辉,以及深圳市内衣行业协会会长郑碧浩、SIUF创始人张峰伟等领导和嘉宾出席开幕式。开幕式上,高延敏传达了政府部门对中国内衣产业的肯定和支持,并对深圳内衣展这个平台给予高度的赞扬。他说:“一个成功的展览会,对促进行业发展具有很大的拉动作用。深圳内衣展已经成为世界领先的专业内衣展,我们希望它能越办越好,影响力越来越大,为中国内衣行业发展做出更大的贡献。” On April 19, the annual China Underwear Cultural Week and SIUF China (Shenzhen) International Brand Underwear Exhibition opened in Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center. Chen Biao, Vice Mayor of Shenzhen, Gao Yanmin, Director of Consumer Goods Industry Department of MIIT, Cao Xuejun, Deputy Director, Xu Yingxin, Vice Chairman of China National Textile and Apparel Council, Wang Yao, Vice President of China Chamber of Commerce and Zhang Qinghui, President of China Fashion Association , As well as leaders and guests including Chairman of Shenzhen Underwear Association Zheng Bihao and founder of SIUF Zhang Fengwei attended the opening ceremony. On the opening ceremony, Gao Yanmin conveyed the affirmation and support from the government departments to the underwear industry in China and highly praised the underwear exhibition in Shenzhen. He said: “A successful exhibition, to promote the development of the industry has a great stimulating effect.” Shenzhen underwear show has become the world’s leading professional underwear show, we hope it can get better and better, more and more influential, For the development of China’s underwear industry to make greater contribution. "
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在热重分析仪上,以1 000℃预煅烧5 h铜渣为催化剂,在氧气气氛下,进行生物质的催化气化实验。在预煅烧铜渣/生物质(质量比)为0.5~2.5范围内,考察铜渣的催化性能。实验结果表明,
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