Surgical management of hepato-pancreatic metastasis from renal cell carcinoma

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaotong125555
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AIM To investigate the outcomes of liver and pancreatic resections for renal cell carcinoma(RCC) metastatic disease. METHODS This is a retrospective, single centre review of liver and/or pancreatic resections for RCC metastases between January 2003 and December 2015. Descriptive statistical analysis and survival analysis using the Kaplan-Meier estimation were performed.RESULTS Thirteen patients h ad 7 pancreatic and 7 liver resections, with median follow-up 33 mo(range: 3-98). Postoperative complications were recorded in 5 cases, with no postoperative mortality. Three patients after hepatic and 5 after pancreatic resection developed recurrent disease. Median overall survival was 94 mo(range: 23-94) after liver and 98 mo(range: 3-98) after pancreatic resection. Disease-free survival was 10 mo(range 3-55) after liver and 28 mo(range 3-53) after pancreatic resection. CONCLUSION Our study shows that despite the high incidence of recurrence, long term survival can be achieved with resection of hepatic and pancreatic RCC metastases in selected cases and should be considered as a management option in patients with oligometastatic disease. AIM To investigate the outcomes of liver and pancreatic resections for renal cell carcinoma (RCC) metastatic disease. METHODS This is a retrospective, single center review of liver and / or pancreatic resections for RCC metastases between January 2003 and December 2015. Descriptive statistical analysis and survival analysis using the Kaplan-Meier estimation were performed .RESULTS Thirteen patients h ad 7 pancreatic and 7 liver resections, with median follow-up 33 mo (range: 3-98). Postoperative complications were recorded in 5 cases with no postoperative mortality . Three patients after hepatic and 5 after pancreatic resection developed recurrent disease. Median overall survival was 94 mo (range: 23-94) after liver and 98 mo (range: 3-98) after pancreatic resection. Disease-free survival was 10 mo (range 3-55) after liver and 28 mo (range 3-53) after pancreatic resection. CONCLUSION Our study shows that despite the high incidence of recurrence, long term survival can be achieved with resection of hepatic and pancreatic RCC metastases in selected cases and should be considered as a management option in patients with oligometastatic disease.
1947年,我在毛泽东主席身边工作。他对我说:“一天不看报是小错,十天不看报是大错”。全国解放后,环境安定了,我订了几份报纸和 In 1947, I worked beside Chairman Mao Zed