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中央人民政府政务院关于颁布「国营企业内部劳动规则纲要」的决定(一九五四年五月六日政务院第二百一十五次政务会议通过,一九五四年七月十四日公布)一、兹根据中华全国总工会的建议制度「国营企业内部劳动规则纲要」,颁布施行。二、责成中央人民政府各企业主管部门,根据本纲要制订适合于本部门工作条件的内部劳动规则,但颁布前须征得相应的产业工会的同意,并送中央人民政府劳动部备查。三、各企业主管部门如已颁布类似内部劳动规则的条例、规则,应根据本纲要加以修改或补充,但须征得相应的产业工会的同意,并送中央人民政府劳动部备查。四、各企业单位的厂长或经理应根据本纲要和本部门内部劳动规则的规定,结合本企业单位的具体情况,拟订本企业单位的内部劳动规则,征得各该企业单位工会组织的同意,燕经当地劳动行政机关审核后,报送直属上级管理机关批准实行。五、机关、合作社、公私合营企业及私营企业,可根据具体情况参照本纲要的精神,制订本单位的内部劳动规则,但须征得各该单位工会组织的同意(未建立工会组织者,须交群众讨论),并经当地劳动行政机关审核后,报送直属上级管理机关批准实行(私营企业送当地人民政府劳动行政机关批准实行)。 Decision of the Central People’s Government [Legislation Digest] State Council on promulgating the “Outline of Internal Work Rules for State-owned Enterprises” (Adopted by the 215th Administrative Council of the State Council on May 6, 1954 and July 14, 1954) First, hereby promulgated and implemented in accordance with the “system of internal labor rules for state-owned enterprises” proposed by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. 2. To instruct the administrative departments of enterprises of the Central People’s Government to formulate internal labor rules suitable for the working conditions of their own departments according to this outline, but obtain the consent of the corresponding industrial unions before promulgation and submit them to the Labor Department of the Central People’s Government for further reference. 3. If the competent departments of the enterprises have promulgated the ordinances and rules similar to the internal labor rules, they shall be amended or supplemented in accordance with the outline, subject to the consent of the corresponding industrial unions and to the Labor Department of the Central People’s Government for further reference. 4. The director or manager of each enterprise unit shall draw up the internal labor rules of the enterprise unit in accordance with the stipulations of this outline and the internal labor rules of the department and the specific conditions of the enterprise unit and obtain the consent of the trade union organization of the enterprise unit Yan approved by the local labor administration, submitted to the higher authorities directly under the approval of the implementation. V. Institutions, cooperatives, public-private joint ventures and private-owned enterprises may formulate the internal labor rules of their own units with reference to the spirit of this outline, subject to the consent of the trade union organizations of the units concerned Public discussion), and after examination by the local labor administration, submit it to the immediate superior authority for approval (the private enterprise will send it to the labor administrative organ of the local people’s government for approval).
使用不同金属焊料对UNS C95700锰铝青铜板进行补焊,研究焊件的显微组织和力学性能。结果表明,焊件主要显微组织为具有不同形貌的α,β和κ相。锰的加入使焊件显微组织中α相
我沿着小径歪歪斜斜地走回家。打开门,猫在沙发上等着我。“她”是优弦养的一只母猫,大约四岁多,扁脸,但看上去没有那种加菲猫一样的面中内陷的讥讽感,是一只清秀、带点傲慢的小母猫的样子。  “你不能写‘它’,你得写‘她’。”  优弦为我设定许多规则,在恋爱中粘人的一方往往会给对方安排更多的限制,比如我和优弦的关系。她指导我,跟她一起在外面吃冰激凌的时候不能舔;家里吃完饭脏盘子不能叠起来;饮料不能开瓶直接
每次坐到办公桌前,我都要感谢老刘。他是我的前任。我刚进所里,他是所长;我晋升队长,他还是所长;我当了副所长,他仍是所长;我成了所长,他退休了。或者说,他退休,我成了所长。退休那天他跟我说,小子,这辈子我就干成两件事:一是把你弄成所长;第二个就是,给咱所争到了个好地盘。我问他,那你说,把我弄成所长重要,还是把咱所弄到这里重要?  “当然地盘重要。所长是你一个人的事,地盘是一茬茬所长的事。”  我不明