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关于尸体检测,在《刑事诉讼法》中有明确规定。 其中第104条规定:对于死因不明的尸体,公安机关有权决定解剖,并通知死者家属到场。根据这项规定,决定尸检的权力属于公安机关。 尸检是公安机关侦查活动的重要内容,尸体必须在侦查人员主持下进行。尸检是确定或判断死亡原因,致死工具,致死手段的重要方法,是分析作案过程,为侦查活动提供线索和证据的手段之一。 尸检包括尸表检查、尸体解剖检查、取样、化验等内容。 尸检必须及时进行,以防止尸体腐烂,痕迹变化或消失。 进行尸检时,应该通知家属到场。一为了解案情,二为监督。 尸检后应该作出解剖结论,写出尸检报告。在报告上写明死亡原因,死亡时间,损伤位置,特征等等。 参加尸检的法医必须在尸检报告上签名盖章。 About the body test, it is clearly defined in the Code of Criminal Procedure. Article 104 of which stipulates that: For unknown dead bodies, the public security organ has the right to decide on the anatomy and notify the families of the deceased to attend. According to this provision, the power to decide on an autopsy belongs to the public security organ. Autopsy is an important part of public security organs’ investigation activities. The bodies must be under the supervision of investigators. Autopsy is to determine or determine the cause of death, lethal tools, lethal means an important method is to analyze the process of committing the crime to provide clues and evidence of one of the means. Autopsy, including autopsy, autopsy, sampling, testing and other content. Autopsy must be promptly carried out to prevent the body decay, traces of change or disappear. When conducting an autopsy, family members should be informed of the presence. One is to understand the case, the second is supervision. Autopsy should make an anatomical conclusion, write an autopsy report. The report states the cause of death, time of death, location of injury, characteristics and so on. The forensic doctor attending the autopsy must sign and seal the autopsy report.
前不久,山西省新课程课堂教学观摩活动在热烈的气氛中落下了帷幕。我们本期选登了几份充分体现课改理念、操作性较强的优质教学设计,希望能对读者有所裨益。 Not long ago,
[背景] 2001年12月24日下午,隐居在长沙市一偏僻角落埋头写作长篇小说《我从地狱里爬出来》的未婚青年作家汤国基,被迫坐在了长沙市开福区人民法院的被告席上。北京申办2008
琴生不等式是:若f(x)是区间L上的凸函数,ai∈L ,i=1 ,…,n ,则 ni=1f(ai)≤nf( 1n ni=1ai) .我们还有(以下把 ni=1记作 )定理 设f(x)是闭区间[a ,b]上的凸函数,ai∈[a ,b],
方正此番掀起的“正版风暴”及其试图改变盗版者命运的努力,使人想起近年来与反盗版有关的两例发人深省的案例。 一件是1997年暑期,当时国内最大的杀毒软件生产商北京江民科
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于某对妻子说:“是市政府为我们下岗职工牵的路,准没错。”而现在常挂在于某嘴边的话是:我只过了一个月的好日子。 In one of his wives, said: “It is the city governmen
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