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自本世纪初发端的中国现代文学理论,正在逼近“世纪末”这一关口。这当然可以被视为旧世纪与新世纪之间的转换季节。但如问这究竟是一个怎样的季节,却往往会激起一阵阵喧哗。我们发现自己被如下一幅图景深深地吸引:一抹霞光穿透云层映照于茫茫海面,它究竟是孕育希望的朝霞,还是美景即逝的晚霞?不得而知,颇费猜想。海面则一半被霞光照亮,另一半笼罩在冥暗中,似乎又在诉说着光明与黑暗的争斗。海面卷起的一面,微露出一丝红色亮光,但红光又与黑色相伴,显示出一种复杂冲突。这一令人好奇和回味的画面出现在钱中文先生和李衍柱先生主编的论文集《文学理论:面向新世纪》(山东人民出版社1997年版。)封面上,显然是在力图披露此书提供的一种解答。正像标题所点明的那样,这部书汇集了1995年夏在济南召开的中国中外文 The theory of modern Chinese literature that started in the beginning of this century is approaching the “end of century” mark. This can of course be seen as a season of transition between the old and the new century. However, asking what it is like a season, but often stir up a burst of noises. We find ourselves deeply attracted by the following picture: a glimmer of light shining through the clouds to the boundless sea, whether it is the glow of hope, or the glorious sunset? It is unknown, quite conjecture. Half of the sea was illuminated by the glow, the other half shrouded in the darkness of the dark, seems to be talking about the battle of light and darkness. The side of the sea rolled up slightly exposed red light, but the red light accompanied by black, showing a complex conflict. This curious and memorable picture appears on the cover of the essay “Literary Theories: Facing the New Century” (Shandong People’s Publishing House, 1997 edition), edited by Mr. Qian and Mr. Li Yanzhu, apparently in an attempt to disclose what the book offers A solution. As the title points out, this book brings together the Chinese and foreign languages ​​held in Jinan in the summer of 1995
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May 18-20,2011, Semarang, Indonesia 3rd International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering for Disaster Mitigation and Rehabllitation and 5th International Co