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正常胎盘形态构建是胎盘功能及胎儿发育的关键,绒毛表面内层为细胞滋养细胞(CT),外层为合体滋养细胞(ST),CT分化融合形成ST,二者形成绒毛干,母体子宫动静脉开口于绒毛干间隙,构成母体胎儿胎盘循环。人内源性逆转录缺陷病毒(HERV)家族成员HERV-W编码的包膜蛋白syncyt-in可介导胎盘CT的生长分化。PE的病生特征是局部缺血缺氧,乏氧使syncytin表达下调。PE患者胎盘的syncytin蛋白表达下降,定位由正常的基底部ST细胞质膜转移到顶部ST微绒毛膜,syncytin mRNA转录水平也显著降低,使CT分化融合障碍、ST形成减少,胎盘形成不良,影响胎母血液循环、出现病理妊娠;但其syncytin受体ASCT2 mRNA水平无明显变化,syncytin与ASCT2 mRNA之间亦无线性相关性。syncytin是人类胎盘形态构成的必需要素,其表达障碍可干扰胎盘发育引发PE等病理妊娠,但syncytin与受体ASCT2的相互作用对PE发生的影响尚需深入研究。 Normal placenta morphogenesis is the key to placental function and fetal development. The inner layer of villus surface is cytotrophoblast (CT) and the outer layer is syncytiotrophoblast (ST). CT differentiation and fusion form ST, Vein openings in the hair dry gap, the formation of maternal fetal placental circulation. Syncyt-in, encoded by HERV-W, a member of the human endogenous reverse transcription deficient virus (HERV), mediates the growth and differentiation of placental CT. PE is characterized by ischemic disease hypoxia, hypoxia so that the expression of syncytin down. The expression of syncytin in placenta of PE patients decreased from the normal basal ST cell plasma membrane to the top of ST microvilli, and the transcription level of syncytin mRNA was also significantly decreased. The CT differentiation and fusion disorder, the reduction of ST formation, the placenta formation, However, there was no significant change in the level of ASCT2 mRNA in syncytin receptor and no linear correlation between syncytin and ASCT2 mRNA. Syncytin is an essential element in the formation of human placenta. The expression of syncytin may interfere with the development of placenta and lead to pathological pregnancy such as PE. However, the interaction between syncytin and ASCT2 still needs to be further studied.
走了40多个国家,有一个国家真是道不明、说不清。它古老而现代,走进这个国家就像走进了五光十色的大观园。几年前,我有幸作为上海浦东新区代表团的一员,初窥这个披着神秘面纱的国家——以色列。  经国务院批准,自今年9月15日起,中国公民可组团游览以色列。如果有机会,我真想再次走进以色列。    和平之城耶路撒冷    我到耶路撒冷的那天,正是星期五,这天是穆斯林的安息日,在耶路撒冷的老城区内,凡是穆斯林
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Objective To investigate the early diagnosis and treatment of cesarean scar pregnancy(CSP).Methods Clinical data of 28 patients with CSP in Peking Union Medical
不丹,传说中最后的香格里拉,一片虔诚的大乘佛教净土。游历不丹,纯净的感觉一时无法形容,层峦叠嶂的山川、峰回路转的山路、幽深宁静的峡谷、欢畅流淌的涧溪、金光镶嵌的白塔、虔诚神秘的佛徒、纯朴善良的民风,一切无不涤荡着我们的心灵。      圣洁帕罗    飞机即将抵达不丹帕罗机场时,大家禁不住欢呼起来:天际横亘着一片雄伟的雪山,那就是喜马拉雅山,而最显眼的就是珠玛朗玛峰。白色而突兀的轮廓映衬在湛蓝的天
对女士来说——喜爱粉红钻或粉红色珊瑚者,感情丰富而浪漫。喜爱红宝石或红碧玺者,热情似火。喜爱蓝宝石或海蓝宝者.较内向稳重。喜爱祖母绿或土耳其石者,情感纤弱。 For la