Advanced endoscopic technologies for colorectal cancer screening

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jizhejida
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Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in men and the second most common cancer in women worldwide. Diagnosing colorectal has been increasingly successful due to advances in technology. Flexible endoscopy is considered to be an effective method for early diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal cancer, making it a popular choice for screening programs. However, millions of people who may benefit from endoscopic colorectal cancer screening fail to have the procedure performed. Main reasons include psychological barriers due to the indignity of the procedure, fear of procedure related pain, bowel preparation discomfort, and potential need for sedation. Therefore, an urgent need for new technologies addressing these issues clearly exists. In this review, we discuss a set of advanced endoscopic technologies for colorectal cancer screening that are either already available or close to clinical trial. In particular, we focus on visual-inspectiononly advanced flexible colonoscopes, interventional colonoscopes with alternative propulsion mechanisms, wireless capsule colonoscopy, and technologies for intraprocedural bowel cleansing. Many of these devices have the potential to reduce exam related patient discomfort, obviate the need for sedation, increase diagnostic yield, reduce learning curves, improve access to screening, and possibly avert the need for a bowel preparation. Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in men and the second most common cancer in women worldwide. Diagnosing colorectal has been increasingly successful due to advances in technology. Flexible endoscopy is considered to be an effective method for early diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal cancer. making it a popular choice for screening programs. However, millions of people who may benefit from endoscopic colorectal cancer screening fail to have the procedure performed. Main reasons include psychological barriers due to the indignity of the procedure, fear of procedure related pain, bowel preparation Thus, an urgent need for new technologies addressing these issues clearly exists. In this review, we discuss a set of advanced endoscopic technologies for colorectal cancer screening that are either already available or close to clinical trial. In particular, we focus on visual-inspectiononly advanced flexible colonoscop es, interventional colonoscopes with alternative propulsion mechanisms, wireless capsule colonoscopy, and technologies for intraprocedural bowel cleansing. Many of these devices have the potential to reduce exam related patient discomfort, obviate the need for sedation, increase diagnostic yield, reduce learning curves, improve access to screening, and possibly avert the need for a bowel preparation.
一陈梦韶先生是我的老师,如果能够活到今天,已经102岁了。 1963年9月,我进厦门大学中文系读书的时候,他给我们讲授《古代汉语》。其时,他的儿子陈元胜恰巧和我同班读书。我们
老嘎的儿子小嘎    以前,一提起葛优,人家总说,知道知道,著名演员葛存壮的儿子。现在一提起葛存壮,人家总说,知道知道,著名演员葛优的父亲。这样大的一个反差,让父亲葛存壮和儿子葛优感觉都特别满意。葛优就在父亲面前十分得意地说,这是好事啊,长江后浪推前浪,青出于蓝胜于蓝嘛。  得意之余,葛优感慨地说,一直以来,无论是做事还是做人,父亲的一言一行都深深地影响着他。“我父亲,主角不多,配角倒不少。演的还
1 棚体改造 (1)旧棚加高。要求前边1.0~1.5米,后墙1.8~2.3米,脊高2.6~3.2米。 1 shed transformation (1) old shed higher. Requirements in front of 1.0 to 1.5 meters, 1.