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X195、S195等型柴油机,在运转中有时发生机油压力指示器的红标志忽上忽下、机油压力忽高忽低的故障。如不及时停车检查,摩擦面间的机油会供不应求,磨损加快,甚至烧瓦。产生这种故障的原因: 1.机油泵吸入空气。这多是由于油底壳内机油集滤器露出油面部分有裂纹或小孔,或管接螺母松动,垫圈破损不平造成的。判断的方法是:将机体一侧垫高,使集滤器的油管与管接螺母等埋入机油中,再用手摇转曲轴,松开通向机油指示器的油管,如流出的机油中气泡消除,说明判断正确。如果不是上述原因,则要检查油泵体与泵盖及油泵体与机体之间的纸垫,是否未压紧或损坏,而使油泵吸入空气。 2.机油泵吸油不足。因机油粘度太大或有胶凝现象;集滤器部分滤网被污物堵住;集滤器安装不当,上 X195, S195 and other diesel engines, in operation sometimes occur red indicator of oil pressure indicator suddenly go up and down, oil pressure fluctuated suddenly failure. If you do not promptly stop the inspection, the oil between the friction surface will be in short supply, wear and tear, or even burning tile. Cause of this failure: 1. Oil pump inhales air. This is mostly due to the oil pan oil filter exposed part of the oil surface cracks or holes, or tube nut loose, washers caused by uneven damage. Judge the method is: one side of the body padding, so that the filter set of tubing and pipe nuts and other embedded in the oil, and then hand cranked crankshaft, release the oil pipe leading to the oil indicator, such as the outflow of oil in the bubble to eliminate , Indicating that the judgment is correct. If not for the above reasons, then check the oil pump body and the pump cover and pump body and the paper between the body pad, is not compressed or damaged, leaving the pump inhaled air. Oil pump insufficient oil. Due to too viscous oil or gel phenomenon; filter part of the filter is blocked by dirt; filter installed properly, on the
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