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投资基金,作为一种新生的金融工具,最早起源于19世纪的英国,经过一个多世纪的蓬勃发展,如今已成为发达国家投资者所广泛推崇的理想投资工具。在中国,投资基金的发展则刚刚起步。目前虽然投资基金及基金市场的发展已初具规模,并给我国资本市场和投资体制的改革带来了深刻的变革,但进一步透过投资基金在中国发展的表象,洞察中国投资基金发展的条件、优势、问题和未来等探层内容,具有更为深刻和广泛的意义。 一、中国投资基金发展的实证分析 投资基金,在本质上是一种集合投资制度,其含义是通过大众投资资金的集合,根据投资组合的原理进行分散投资,从而达到趋利避害、分散投资风险的目的,并兼顾资金的流动和安全性而获利。简单地讲,就是将众多的小额投资者的钱汇集起来,交由专家操作,进入大资本市场。所以,作为一种现代化的投资工具,投资基金以其普及性高、专业性强、风险分散、收益相对较高等优势,在短短的时间内迅速发展成为最大众化的投资工具。美国是当今世界基金最发达的国家,据统计,目前美国约有4300多种投资基金,总资产达1.8万亿美元,相当于美国纽约股票交易所上市股票额的2倍。 首先,从投资基金的特点上看,与其他投资工具相比,一般地具有以下特点:风险分散、投资额小、流通性好、专家操作、? As a new financial instrument, investment fund originated in Britain in the 19th century. After more than a century of vigorous development, investment fund has now become an ideal investment tool widely respected by investors in developed countries. In China, the development of investment funds has just started. At present, although the development of investment funds and fund markets is beginning to take shape and profound changes have been brought about in the reform of China’s capital markets and investment system, the conditions for the development of China’s investment funds are further understood through the appearance of investment funds in China , Advantages, problems and future exploration of the content, has a more profound and extensive significance. First, the empirical analysis of the development of China’s investment funds Investment funds, in essence, is a collection of investment system, which means that the public investment funds through the collection, according to the principle of portfolio diversification, so as to achieve profit avoidance, diversification The purpose of the risk, and taking into account the flow of funds and safety of profit. Simply put, is to bring together the money of many small investors, by experts to enter the capital market. Therefore, as a modern investment tool, investment funds rapidly develop into the most popular investment tool in a short period of time due to their advantages of high popularity, high professionalism, diversified risks and relatively high returns. The United States is the most developed country in today’s world fund. According to statistics, there are about 4,300 investment funds in the United States with total assets of 1.8 trillion U.S. dollars, equivalent to twice the amount listed on the New York Stock Exchange. First of all, from the perspective of the characteristics of investment funds, compared with other investment tools, they generally have the following characteristics: diversified risks, small investment, good liquidity, and expert operation?
一个单一目的的制度设计初衷,推行后带来了复杂综合的实施效果,但进一步的调整空间却总嫌狭小。 The original design of a single-purpose system has brought complicated
目的探讨胃癌患者磷酸化信号传导与转录激活因子3(phosphorylated signal transducer and activator oftranscription 3,p-Stat3)的活化状态与胃癌临床病理学特征的关系及意