
来源 :西北工业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:uslifes
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一九七四年一月十八日《人民日报》发表了南京大学政治系学员钟志民同志的退学申请报告,并加了编者按,指出这是“从一个方面反映了工农兵学员向地主资产阶级意识形态展开了新的进攻,反映了教育战线生气勃勃的革命景象”。钟志民同志的退学申请报告和《人民日报》的编者按,在我校引起了强烈的反响。当前,正在全国开展的批林批孔运动是一场严重的阶级斗争,是意识形态领域里的一场彻底革命,是对封、资、修的宣战,是对帝、修、反的沉重打击,是全党、全军、全国人民的头等大事。开展批林批孔斗争,对于坚持和贯彻执行毛主席的革命路线,巩固和发展无产阶级文化大革命的伟大成果,巩固无产阶级专政,防止资本主义复辟,具有重大的现实意义和深远的历史意义。我校广大师生员工在校党委领导下,意气风发,斗争昂扬,口诛笔伐,深挖林彪反动思想的老根,狠批孔孟之道。在批林批孔斗争中,紧密联系我校两个阶级、两条道路、两条路线斗争的实际,坚持革命,反对倒退,巩固和发展教育革命成果。我校工人和工农兵学员在这场斗争中发挥了主力军作用,并且以实际行动批判林彪和孔老二散佈的“学而优则仕”反动谬论,敢于向资产阶级和一切剥削阶级意识形态宣战。有些通过私人关系上了大学的同志,也以反潮流的革命精神积极投入战斗,与旧的传统观念实行彻底决裂,以自己的实际行动批判了“走后门”的不正之风。6321班学员李安阳同志、4321班学员周战生同志提出申请退学的报告和大字报就是一例。他们的革命行动好得很!这不仅受到全校广大群众的欢迎和支持;同样,他们的父母也表示坚决支持并检查和批判了自己“走后门”的错误。 On January 18, 1974, the People’s Daily published a report on the application for drop-off from Comrade Zhong Zhimin, a political science student at Nanjing University. He also added an editor’s note, stating that this is “one aspect that reflects the offer made by the workers, peasants and soldiers to the landlord and bourgeoisie Ideology embarked on a new offensive, reflecting a vibrant picture of the revolution in education. ” Comrade Zhong Zhimin’s application for withdrawing from school and the editor of People’s Daily Press have aroused strong repercussions in our school. At present, the pro-xin-dong movement that is being carried out nationwide is a serious class struggle, a complete revolution in the field of ideology, a declaration of war on seals, capital and repair and a heavy blow to imperialism, revisionism and viceism Is the top priority for the entire party, the army and the people throughout the country. To carry out the proletarian and proletarian factional struggles is of great realistic and far-reaching historical significance for upholding and implementing Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line, for consolidating and developing the great achievements of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, for consolidating the dictatorship of the proletariat and preventing the restoration of capitalism. Under the leadership of the school’s party committee, the vast majority of staff and students of our school are in high-spirited, high-spirited and vocal opposition. They have also dredged the roots of Lin Biao’s reactionary ideology and criticized Confucius and Mencius. In the battles for the proletariat and the proletariat, we closely linked the reality of the two classes, two roads and two lines of struggle in our university, upheld the revolution, opposed backwards, and consolidated and developed the fruits of the educational revolution. The workers and workers, peasants and soldiers in our school played a leading role in this struggle. They actually criticized the reactionary fallacies of “learning from excellent ones” distributed by Lin Biao and Kong Laotou and dared to persuade the bourgeoisie and all the ideologies of the exploiting classes Declare war. Some comrades who went to universities through their personal relations also actively engaged themselves in fighting against the trend of revolutionary trends and completely ruptured the old traditional concepts and criticized the unhealthy tendencies of “going the back door” with their own practical actions. 6321 class students Comrade Mr. Li Anyang, 4321 classmates Comrade Zhou Zhansheng put forward the application for leave and the poster is an example. Their revolutionary actions were very good. This was not only welcomed and supported by the masses of the whole school, but also their parents expressed their firm support for and checked and criticized their mistake of “going backwards.”