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一个民族的人口体质现状以及未来的发展情况与整个民族的生存和发展都有着非常重要的关联,我国是一个多民族国家,其中汉族人口最多,其他民族人口相对较少,赫哲族是我国人口较少的少数民族之一。文章主要针对赫哲族人口的体质状况进行调查,并分析了制约其发展的原因。 Our country is a multi-ethnic country, of which the Han population is the most populous, the population of other ethnic groups is relatively small, and the Hezhen ethnic group is the population of our country with a relatively large population One of the few ethnic minorities. The article mainly investigates the physical condition of the Hezhe ethnic population and analyzes the reasons that restrict its development.
Al-Mn alloy coatings were electrodeposited on an iron substrate from AlCl3-NaCl-KCl molten salts with anhydrous MnCl2 enhanced by the addition of CeCl3. The mic
Hot torsion testing was performed on a low carbon Nb-Ti microalloyed steel to study the effects of hot torsion parameters,strain and strain rate,on ultrafine fe
法国90万千瓦核电站每座堆有三台51B型蒸汽发生器。这种蒸汽发生器为立式自然循环倒 U 管形,下部为热交换管束,上部为汽水分离器,管束材料为因科镍-600。U 形管全胀到管板上
本文介绍了用γ能谱法精确测定浅燃耗钚样品的同位素丰度和~(241)Am相对含量的方法和实验结果。在38—60 keV钚的低能γ射线和203—208 keV两个能区中获取数据。选择不同同位
Austempered ductile iron (ADI) has several advantages of replacing cast steel and forged steel in many engineering fields. A new Mn-Cu alloyed ADI with excellen
Microstructures and critical phase-transformation temperature of boron-nickel added Nb-treated high strength low alloy (HSLA) H-beams cooled at different coolin
电子信息、装备制造、油气化工、钒钛钢铁及稀土、能源电力、汽车制造等我省着力发展的七大优势产业,成为央企投资集中的重点领域。央企与四川的合作项目覆盖全省21个市州。  5月16日至17日,以“同舟共济、携手奋进”为主题的“央企入川”活动在蓉举行。60余家中央企业负责人齐聚四川,共商合作大计,共话美好前景,共谱合作新篇。  本次活动旨在促进中央企业与四川更深层次、更广领域的投资合作。座谈会结束后,60