Affinity adsorption mechanism studies of adsorbents C1-Zn(Ⅱ) for uremic middle molecular peptides co

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To exploit efficient adsorbents for removing middle molecular peptides containing DFLAE (DE5,a typical peptide sequence accumulated in uremic serum) sequence by hemoperfusion,we designed and synthesized three affinity adsorbents (C1-Zn2+,C2-Zn2+ and C3-Zn2+) that could have high affinity to DE5.Subsequently,we evaluated the corresponding adsorption ability of each adsorbent by static adsorption experiments and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC).The results showed that C1-Zn2+ had the best adsorption ability to DE5-containing peptides and the adsorption capacity for DE5 was 8.52 mg/g.By changing the adsorption conditions,the adsorption mechanism was elucidated.The main driving force of the adsorption is metal-carboxyl coordination and the hydrophobic force affords the cooperative effect.It is expected that our present work can provide basic understanding for the design of adsorbents with high affinity and selectivity towards oligopeptides. To exploit efficient adsorbents for removing middle molecular peptides containing DFLAE (DE5, a typical peptide sequence accumulated in uremic serum) sequence by hemoperfusion, we designed and synthesized three affinity adsorbents (C1-Zn2 +, C2-Zn2 + and C3-Zn2 +) that could have high affinity to DE5.Subsequently, we evaluated the corresponding adsorption ability of each adsorbent by static adsorption experiments and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). The results showed that C1-Zn2 + had the best adsorption ability to DE5-containing peptides and the adsorption capacity for DE5 was 8.52 mg / g.By changing the adsorption conditions, the adsorption mechanism was elucidated. The main driving force of the adsorption is metal-carboxyl coordination and the hydrophobic force affords the cooperative effect. It is expected that that present work work can provide basic understanding for the design of adsorbents with high affinity and selectivity towards oligopeptides.
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作者简介:张笑琳,女,22岁,河南师范大学政治与公共管理学院2011级学生,曾担任院学生会干部,在校曾获大学生创新项目奖,第六届“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技竞赛三等奖。  付扬,男,22岁,河南师范大学法学院2011级学生,曾担任院学生会干部,校学生会干部,在校曾获大学生创新项目奖,优秀团员,第六届“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技竞赛三等奖,现在是一名预备党员。  摘要:在快速发展的当今时代,人们拼命