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我栽种的一盆冬珊瑚已十年有余。春花秋实,茬茬相接。每到寒冬,百花凋零,那枝叶扶疏、红果累累的冬珊瑚,红绿相间,把寂寞的居室装点得生机盎然。盆栽冬珊瑚要用肥沃的壤土,盆土应富含腐殖质。待春天播种苗长至6—7cm 时,即可上3寸盆,挖苗时应多带宿土,栽植深度可保持原深度或稍深些。上盆后浇透水,然后放置在荫蔽处3—5天,缓苗后移至阳光充足的地方,每周施薄肥一次。冬珊瑚因根系发达,可勤浇水。约经1—1个半月的生长,再换入5寸盆。换盆时盆底应放肥效期长的沤制好的毛发、动物蹄角或粪干作基肥。以后每隔7—10天施肥液一次,并注意保持湿润。约6月中旬至7月开花。开花时要适当注意浇水量,盆土过湿,容易落花,坐不住果。待大批花开过之后,枝头已挂满小果,即可逐渐增加浇水量,使盆土保持充足的水 I planted a pot of winter coral has more than ten years. Spring flowers autumn, stubble phase. Every winter, the flowers dying, that branches and leaves help sparse, red-caked winter coral, red and white, the lonely bedroom decorate vitality. Potted winter corals to use fertile loam, peat soil should be rich in humus. To be planted in spring when the seedlings grow to 6-7cm, 3-inch pots can be used. When digging the seedlings, they should be provided with more places for soil. The planting depth can be kept at the original depth or slightly deeper. After pouring water on the basin, and then placed in the shaded place 3-5 days, Huanmiao moved to ample sunshine, fertilizer once a week. Winter coral roots due to developed, Qin ground watering. About 1-1 and a half months of growth, and then into the 5-inch pots. When changing the basin should be put on the pelvic floor long hair good hair system, animal hoof or dung as base fertilizer. After every 7-10 days after the fertilizer solution, and pay attention to keep moist. About mid June to July flowering. Flowering should pay due attention to the amount of water, basin soil too wet, easy to fall, can not sit fruit. After a large number of flowers have been opened, the branches have been covered with small fruit, you can gradually increase the amount of water, so that enough water to keep the basin
  The plasma characteristics of a lightning discharge channel are reviewed.The spectrum of the natural lighting is investigated by employing the slit-less spe