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自五四新文化运动以来,伴随着欧风美雨进入华夏,西方音乐开始影响中国乐坛,以钢琴、小提琴、中提琴、大提琴等为代表的西洋乐器令国人耳目一新。与此同时,便出现了西方音乐、西洋乐器是否要洋为中用,以及如何洋为中用的问题。在这个问题上,有两种态度和两条道路。一种态度是盲目崇洋媚外,走全盘西化之路,亦步亦趋地照搬和模仿西方音乐;另一种态度是扎根民族文化,走洋为中用之路,创造民族的、科学的、大众的音乐。一个世纪以 Since the May 4th New Culture Movement, Western music began to affect the Chinese music scene with the introduction of the European Wind and the Rainfall. Western musical instruments represented by piano, violin, viola and cello made the audience refreshing. At the same time, western music appeared, whether western musical instruments were to be used by foreign countries or not, and how to make foreign things useful. On this issue, there are two attitudes and two paths. One attitude is to blindly worship foreigners and go all the way to westernization. They are also copying and imitating western music step by step. The other attitude is taking roots in national culture and taking the way of going to the outside world to create national, scientific and popular music. A century
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热休克蛋白(HSP)为一高度保守的蛋白家族,HSP 90、70、60及27广泛分布于正常女性的子宫内膜功能层、基底层及子宫肌层,与性激素和性激素受体的调节密切相关。部分卵巢颗粒细
Stable high-solids-content acrylate emulsion were obtained with a nonionic polymerizable emulsifier allyloxy nonylphenoxy poly (ethyleneoxy) (10) ether (ANPEO10
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