
来源 :云南民营科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangpengjx
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编者按随着我国科技体制改革和经济体制改革的不断深入发展,民营科技园在华夏大地到处开花,且呈繁花似锦之势。据新华社一则电讯,山东省日照开发区民营科技园开发建设仅1年时间,由于坚持优质服务,实行优惠政策,已有10多个高新技术项目入园,并实现总产值3000多万元,创利税500多万元,出口创汇200万美元。日照民营科技园管理办公室兆纯璞,在给本刊投寄《山东日照民营科技园发展设想之管见》一文时附语说:“‘管见’是我园于去年(1995年)6月初到贵处——云南民办科技园考察学习后的工作思路。云南民办科技园开发建设情况为我园提供了宝贵的经验,对我们的启示是深刻的。为此,再一次感谢贵园管委会领导和同行们!”本刊在刊登兆纯璞同志的文章时,谨代表云南省民办科技机构管理委员会、云南民办科技园管理委员会,向日照民营科技园的管理者和开发建设者致以诚挚的敬意,并祝日照民营科技园在“九五”期间取得更辉煌的业绩。 Editor’s Note Along with the continuous deepening of the reform of China’s science and technology system and the reform of the economic system, private science and technology parks are blooming everywhere in China’s land. According to a telecommunications agency of Xinhua News Agency, the development and construction of private science and technology parks in Rizhao Development Zone in Shandong Province took only one year. As a result of adhering to quality services and implementing preferential policies, more than 10 high-tech projects have entered the park, and the total output value has reached more than RMB 30 million. , Create profits and taxes more than 500 million, exports 2 million US dollars. Zhao Chunyu, the management office of Rizhao Private Science and Technology Park, attached an article in the article entitled “Important Views of the Development of Shandong Rizhao Private Science and Technology Park” for the journal: “The ’Seeing’ is the arrival of our garden in early June of last year (1995). Your office - the work ideas of the Yunnan Private Science and Technology Park after studying and studying.The development and construction of the Yunnan Private Science and Technology Park has provided valuable experience for our park and its enlightenment to us is profound.To this end, once again thank you for your garden management committee. Leaders and colleagues!” When the article published Comrade Zhao Chunyi’s article, on behalf of the Yunnan Private-run Science and Technology Agency Management Committee and the Yunnan Private-run Science and Technology Park Management Committee, I would like to extend my opinions to the managers and developers of the Rizhao Private Science and Technology Park. Sincere respect, and wishing Rizhao Private Science and Technology Park to achieve more brilliant performance during the “Nine Five-Year Plan” period.
在美国西雅图的一所著名教堂里,有一位德高望重的牧师——戴尔·泰勒。有一天,他向教会学校的学生们讲述了下面这个故事。  猎人带着猎狗去打猎。他一枪击中了一只兔子的后腿,受伤的兔子拼命逃生,猎狗在后穷追不舍。可是追了一阵后,兔子跑得越来越远了。猎狗知道追不上了,只好悻悻地回到猎人身边。猎人气急败坏地说:“你真没用,连一只受伤的兔子都追不到!”  猎狗听了很不服气地辩解道:“我已经尽力而为了呀!”  再
◆询问外貌的常用句型“What+do/does+某人(主语)+look like?”侧重于询问人的长相或总体特征。例如:—What does his brother look like?—He has a medium build. ◆ Comm
My father is tall and has short,gray(灰白的)hair.He wears glasses with heavy,black frames(边框).But I just saw a picture of him from 1980.What a surprise(惊讶)!
阿浩的比赛到底怎样了呢?因为正在进行语文测验,黎艳没办法去看。虽然她在非常努力地想尽快完成面前的这些试题,但总是觉得有些心神不宁,精力不够集中。 Hao Hao’s game in
一、未成曲调先有情好的文章开头能一下攫住读者的心,先入为主,将读者引领到你用生花妙笔所营造的灼灼红叶、落落余辉、深潭微澜的优美意境之中,收到事半功倍的效果。 First