
来源 :广西壮族自治区人民政府公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rudy_luo
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各市、县人民政府,区直各委、办、厅、局,各军分区(警备区),各县(市、区)人民武装部:鉴于2004年成立的自治区征兵领导小组部分成员工作变动,为加强对我区征兵工作的领导,现决定对自治区征兵工作领导小组成员进行调整,并就有关事项通知如下:组长:陆兵自治区主席郑作广自治区教育厅副厅长副组长:刘晓琨广西军区司令员于娃宪自治区公安厅副厅长刘良凯广西军区政治委员何军自治区民政厅副厅长张文学自治区副主席张忠国自治区财政厅副厅长肖石桥广西军区副司令员韦波自治区卫生厅副厅长 People’s Governments at all levels and counties: People’s Armed Police Ministry and People’s Arbitration Department of each district directly under the Central Government (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government): In view of the changes in the work of some members of the Leading Group for Conscription in the autonomous regions established in 2004, In order to strengthen the leadership of the conscription work in our region, we hereby decide to make adjustments to the members of the Leading Group for Conscription in the Autonomous Region and inform them of the relevant issues as follows: Leader: Zheng Zuogang, Chairman of Luzhou Autonomous Region Deputy Director of the Education Department of the Autonomous Region Deputy Leader: Liu Xiaokun Commander of the Guangxi Military Region Deputy Commissioner of the Public Security Department of Wa-xian Autonomous Region Liu Liangkai Political commissar of Guangxi Military Region Deputy Director of Civil Affairs Department of He Jun Autonomous Region Zhang Wenxue Vice-Chairman of Zhang Autonomous Region Zhang Shiguo Deputy Director of Finance Department of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Xiao Shiqiao Deputy Commander of Guangxi Military Region Wei Bo Deputy Director of Health Department Director
【正】 中华人民共和国国务院令第412号现公布《国务院对确需保留的行政审批项目设定行政许可的决定》,自2004年7月1日起施行。总理温家宝 2004年6月29日