长效机制 惠泽民生——贵州省铜仁地区六项机制推进《就业促进法》贯彻实施

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铜仁地区位于贵州省东北部,全区土地面积18002.5平方公里,总人口403.6万人,其中,农业人口358.1万人,是典型的农业地区。长期以来,铜仁地区由于欠开发、欠发达,经济总量小,就业岗位十分有限。据统计,全区每年需在城镇竞争就业的劳动者达1.8万人左右,而城镇每年所能提供的就业岗位仅在1.2万个左右,就业问题一直成为当地突出的社会问题。2008年1月1日,《就业促进法》颁布实施,铜仁地区以此为契机,把就业工作摆在经济社会发展更加突出的位置,把做好新形势下就业工作,解决好人民群众最关心、最直接、最现实的就业再就业问题作为落实科学发展观的重要内容,紧紧围绕扩大就业这一主线,以完善就业工作六项机制为着力点,全力推进《就业促进法》贯彻实施。 Tongren area is located in the northeast of Guizhou Province, the area of ​​18002.5 square kilometers of land, with a total population of 403.6 million, of which 3581000 agricultural population, is a typical agricultural area. For a long time, due to lack of development and underdevelopment in the Tongren area, the total economic output is small and the number of jobs is very limited. According to statistics, the number of laborers who need to compete for employment in urban areas amounts to about 18,000 each year, while the number of jobs available in cities and towns is only 12,000 each year. Employment has always been a prominent social problem in the region. On January 1, 2008, the “Employment Promotion Law” was enacted and promulgated. Tongren Prefecture took this as an opportunity to put employment work in a more prominent position in economic and social development. It is most concerned with doing a good job of employment in the new situation and solving the problems of the masses The most direct and realistic employment and reemployment issue, as an important part of implementing the scientific concept of development, focuses on the main task of expanding employment, focuses on improving the six employment mechanisms and fully promotes the implementation of the Employment Promotion Law.
To respond to the changes in the m arket rapidly, the workshop has become an ever-changing dynamic environment in regard to personnel change and organization