失眠 这个东东好讨厌

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窗外,一片漆黑。雨一直下,打湿了大地,也湿润了我的心。床头的闹钟分秒不停地向前走着,“滴答、滴答”的声响在寂静的夜里显得格外清晰。已是深夜2点了,我却无法入睡。我不想失眼。我很想睡个好觉。可是最近发生的一些不如意的事情不由分说地充塞着我的大脑——记得当初我进这家区电 Out the window, a dark. Rain has been under, wet the earth, but also moist my heart. Bedside alarm clock every minute kept walking, “ticking, ticking ” sound in the quiet night is particularly clear. It is late at night 2 o’clock, but I can not sleep. I do not want to lose sight. I really want to sleep well. However, some of the recent unhappy things stuffed my brain without any explanation - remember when I first entered the district
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