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2009年10月21—23日,贵阳市文学艺术界联合会第六次代表大会在贵阳市委党校隆重召开,来自全市各领域的两百余位文学艺术家代表齐聚一堂,回顾过去、展望未来,共商贵阳文艺事业发展繁荣大计。贵州省委常委、贵阳市市委书记李军,市委副书记、市长袁周,省文联党组书记李碧川,市人大常委会主任李跃南, On October 21-23, 2009, the sixth congress of Guiyang Federation of Literary and Art Circles was held ceremoniously in Guiyang Municipal Party School. More than 200 representatives of literary and artistic artists from all fields in the city gathered together to review the past and look forward to the future. To discuss the prosperity and prosperity of Guiyang’s art project. Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, Guiyang Municipal Party Committee Secretary Li Jun, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, mayor Yuan Zhou, secretary of the provincial party committee Li Bi Chuan, Li Yuenan Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee,
★国务院总理温家宝7月22日主持召开国务院常务会议,讨论并原则通过《文化产业振兴规划》。 ★ Premier Wen Jiabao chaired a State Council executive meeting on July 22
阜新市从3月下旬开始开展了全市规模的“诗歌阜新”活动。现在,朗朗读诗声遍布阜新市社区、学校、机关企事业、文化广场、乡镇文化中心等各个角落,各 Fuxin City from the b
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