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丹江口市教育局努力打造平安和谐校园,加大校园周边整治工作力度,净化校园周边安全环境,保护未成年人健康成长,连续五年受到丹江口市整治委的表彰,先后有有60所中小学校被授予“平安校园”荣誉称号;大力开展未成年人德育教育活动、感恩教育活动、社会主义核心价值体系教育活动,让校园成为青少年学生幸福成长的乐园;加强学生文明习惯的养成教育,培养学生的爱祖国、爱家乡、爱学校的热情,用甘甜的汗水浇灌少年学生的心田,文明之花常开,文明之风盛行。 Danjiangkou City Bureau of Education strive to create a safe and harmonious campus, increase the intensity of efforts to rectify the periphery of the campus, purify the security environment around the campus to protect the healthy growth of minors, for five consecutive years by the Danjiangkou rectification Commission’s commendation, there have been 60 primary and secondary schools were We should vigorously carry out moral education for minors, education for gratitude and education for the core value system of socialism so as to make the campus a paradise for the happiness growth of young students. We should strengthen the cultivation of students’ habits of civilization, Cultivate students’ love of the motherland, love of hometown, love of school enthusiasm, with sweet sweat watering the hearts of young students, the flowers of civilization often open, the prevalence of civilization.
1.三国末年,晋武帝司马炎灭掉蜀国,夺取魏国政权以后,准备出兵攻打东吴,实现统一全中国的愿望。 1. In the last years of the Three Kingdoms, Emperor Sima Yan, a soldie
风扇子老妖整天整天不开心,就整天整天地扇扇子,呼呼呼的风真大,吹得深山里一年四季都刮大风,还吹跑了深山里的动物们。 Fans of the old demon all day unhappy, fan all d
A peasant had a faithful horse which had grown old and could do no more work, so the peasant no longer wanted to give him anything to eat and said, “I can certainly make no more use of you, but still
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
息肉状脉络膜血管病变(polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy,PCV)作为一种黄斑部特异性出血性病变,以复发性视网膜下色素上皮出血为特征。近年来,已有较多关于该疾病的临床症
自读    赏红(节选)  赏红开始了。  孩子中年岁最大的一个,先跪下一条腿,取出一条红布,将它轻轻地系在牡丹的主干上。牡丹是花中之王,应该先给它赏红。随即,大家纷纷学着他的样,虔诚地给园中的花儿系上红布条……  他们把一颗颗爱心系上了花枝。  他们把无穷的期待寄托在绿叶。  他们把无限的希望贮入了新营。  看,一条条红布在南风中飘拂,和着诗的韵律,像火苗一般跳动。沉默了一冬的花儿,便骤然有了生