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我国北方寒冷地区冬季润滑油出库一直沿用盘旋管蒸气加温法。这种传统方法不仅投资大、耗煤多,而且在加温过程中易发生漏水漏气,使油料受到污染,乳化变质,弊端很多。为解决冬季润滑油出库难的问题,张家口石油分公司在河北建筑工程学院和张家口市新能源办公室的帮助下,于1985年建成了国内第一座太阳能油库。该油库运用太阳能温室效应原理,以太阳能作为润滑油加温的主要热源,再加上辅助热源,满足了冬季使用的需要。这座油库自建成以来工作情况良好,既改变了用盘旋管蒸气加温的方式,又改变了用磅秤计量的加油方法,使售油操作工艺简便,灌装时间缩短。同时减轻 In the cold regions of the north of China, the circulation of lubricant oil has been used in the coil heating method. This traditional method not only has a large investment, but also consumes too much coal, and it is prone to leakage and air leakage during the heating process. This causes oil contamination, emulsification, and deterioration. In order to solve the problem of difficult oil outflows in the winter, Zhangjiakou Petroleum Branch built the first solar energy oil depot in China in 1985 with the help of the Hebei Institute of Construction Engineering and the Zhangjiakou New Energy Office. The oil depot uses the principle of solar greenhouse effect, using solar energy as the main heat source for lubricating oil heating, and an auxiliary heat source to meet the needs of winter use. The oil depot has been working well since it was built. It not only changed the way of steam heating with coiled tubing, but also changed the method of refueling with a weighing scale, making the oil sales operation process simpler and the filling time shorter. At the same time
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在传统的教学中,语文教学往往让学生颇感乏味,最主要的是没有真正地把学生当作“学习的主人”。教师在教学中无视学生,大讲特讲,使学生始终处于被动接受的状态,语文教学 In
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