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我国实行对外开放政策以来,人们深切地认识到,任何一个国家的经济发展和世界经济发展是密不可分、息息相关的。要搞好国内经济建设,必须了解国际经济情况,而国际经济又与国际政治密不可分。国内影响国际,国际影响国内,经济影响政治,政治也影响经济。比如我们要扩大出口,就得了解国际市场的需要和竞争的情况,要利用外资和外汇储备,就得了解国际资金流动情况,金融市场情况。事实证明,不懂得世界经济情况,不了解国际行情,不掌握国际贸易的基本知识,在国际交往中,难免要吃亏。这方面的事 Since the policy of opening to the outside world was implemented in our country, people have been deeply aware that the economic development in any one country is inextricably linked with the world economic development. To do a good job in domestic economic construction, we must understand the international economic situation, and the international economy is inextricably linked with international politics. Domestic impact on the international, domestic and international impact, economic impact on politics, politics also affect the economy. For example, if we want to expand exports, we must understand the needs of the international market and the situation of competition. To make full use of foreign funds and foreign exchange reserves, we must understand the international financial flows and financial market conditions. Facts have proved that if we do not understand the world economic situation, we do not understand the international market and do not have the basic knowledge of international trade, we will inevitably suffer a loss in international exchanges. Things in this area
蓝血运动往往会以高尔夫的形式影响着我们的理解,总会以为高尔夫那种碧草蓝天挥杆的洒脱才是贵族的气质,其实作为英国不少贵族最为热衷的时尚运动——橄榄球来说,才是一个更容易产生互动和观众呐喊声的绅士运动,在我们的济南就有一群活跃在橄榄球运动的时尚绅士们,以一种看似野蛮的竞技精神感染着每一个热爱生活的人。    CITYIN:您是由于什么机缘开始从事您现在的这个时尚爱好的?  张栋:记得那是多年前,在中央
用“造化弄人”四个字来形容克劳福德(Jamal Crawford)的NBA生涯,应该再适合不过!迈入生涯第10年的克劳福德,曾先后待过公牛、尼克斯及勇士队,本季又改披老鹰战袍,共曾效力于
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自身免疫性溶血性贫血(autoimmune hemolytic anemia,AIHA,中文简称自免贫)发病率为2.6/(10万人.年),与白血病发病率[2.71/(10万人.年)]相近,46%~64%患者病程>2年,患者Hb一般
一对年逾八旬的老夫妻,不计前嫌,将改嫁67年的百岁继母接回身边悉心照料,用无私的情和爱,谱写了一段感人佳话…… A pair of older couples older than 80 years, regardles