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静态影像,将其放置到生命长度来看,可以被当作是播放速度几乎为零的电影帧,虽然不知道这一帧和下一帧之间的时隔与排序,但只要愿意加以其意志,眼睛的幻觉,和心理对其的完形补充,依然可以在其中获得延绵的时间感。正如柏格森所说:“延绵只能在对想象的纯粹直觉中被捕捉。”本文将在下面的章节中,分别对于不同类型的静态图像中所得到的时间流体验做简略的分析。由于时间体验属于主观的感知经验,且每个案例或多或少都会包含不止一种的时间体验感受,本文中所选择的例子,仅代表该种时间体验方式在此类图像中更加明显而已。说到如何定义时间,奥古斯汀说过:“如果没有人问我,那我知道;如果有人让我向他解释,那我不知道。”法国哲学家亨利·柏格森在《时间与自由意志》中将时间一分为二,一种是延绵(duration),即由直观体验得到的时间,另一种是机械科学时间(mechanistic time of science),它是基于空间并能用钟表度量所得的时间。对柏格森而言,延绵才是真实的存在,而科学时间则是抽象的幻觉。如同看一部电影,观众所认为看到了运动的连续性,但事实上只是一连串的静止帧,以每秒16帧以上的播放速度使大脑产生视觉残留,得到持续性的时间体验。人类是具有意识的生物,从出生第一天起,记忆就层层叠叠不断累积。渗透了大量经验的大脑在接受新事物时会不自觉地从过往的记忆中搜寻相似的事物。因此当面对静态或动态,单照或组照时,无论是久久驻足或惊鸿一瞥,观众会调用过去的经验去理解眼前的表象,将物理时间对接到延绵之中,再由意识来决定它能在我们的心中走多远。 Still images, placed to the length of their life, can be viewed as movie frames with almost zero playback speed, although they are not aware of the time lag between the frame and the next frame, , The hallucinations of the eyes, and psychological complementation of its perfection, still can be extended in which a sense of time. As Bergson puts it: “Extension can only be captured in a purely intuitive way of imagining.” This article will briefly analyze the different types of still images in the following chapters . Since time experiences are subjective and experience experiences, and each case contains more than one experience of time, the examples chosen in this article represent only the more obvious ways in which such experiences are time-based. As to how to define the time, Augustine said: “If nobody asks me, then I know; if someone let me explain to him, I do not know.” “French philosopher Henry Bergson, Time and free will, ”dividing time by two, one for duration, the time derived from an intuitive experience and the other for the mechanistic time of science, which is space- Time measured by the watch. For Bergson, extension is the real existence, and scientific time is the abstract illusion. As with watching a movie, viewers saw the continuity of the movement, but in fact it was just a series of still frames that produced a visual residue at a rate greater than 16 frames per second for a sustained time experience. Humans are conscious creatures, and from the very first day of life, memory accumulates in layers. The brain, which is infiltrated with a great deal of experience, unconsciously searches for similar things from past memory when accepting new things. So in the face of static or dynamic, single shots or group shots, whether it is for a long time or a glimpse of the audience, the audience will draw on past experience to understand the immediate appearance, docking the physical time into the stretch, and then the conscious decision How far it can go in our hearts.
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1 资料与方法 研究对象 冠心病组 均为男性,共32例。全部病例均符合1979年国际心脏病学会和协会及世界卫生组织临床命名标准化联合专题组提出的“缺血性心脏病的命名及诊断