Construction and Analysis of Common Foreign Trade Cycle Based on MS-VAR:An Empirical Study of Global

来源 :Journal of Systems Science & Complexity | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:momoji12
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This paper proves the co-movement of foreign trade in different countries or areas which belong to ten economic regions by MS-VAR model.The studies show that trade crisis lags behind economic crisis and spreads from the core of the economic crisis to its periphery which is closely-related with it.The trade crisis corresponding to the US subprime crisis spreads faster than before,which has struck worldwide foreign trade.In order to get the main factors affecting trade crisis,the authors construct composite indices which are proxies of economic growth and price levels of internal and external regions.The results of logistic and linear panel models show that economic growth affects more to trade cycle than price level.The results of panel models with dummy variable of trade crisis show that the outside economic growth do bad to the recovery of internal foreign trade during trade crisis corresponding to Mexican peso crisis,the Asian financial crisis and the Russian debt crisis,while the opposite is true during the internet bubble burst and the US subprime crisis. This paper proves the co-movement of foreign trade in different countries or areas which belong to ten economic regions by MS-VAR model. The studies show that trade crisis lags behind economic crisis and spreads from the core of the economic crisis to its periphery which which is closely-related with it. the trade crisis corresponding to the US subprime crisis spreads faster than before, which has struck worldwide foreign trade.In order to get the main factors affecting trade crisis, the authors construct composite indices which are proxies of economic growth and price levels of internal and external regions. the results of logistic and linear panel models show that economic growth affects more to trade cycle than price level. The results of panel models with dummy variable of trade crisis show that the outside economic growth do bad to the recovery of internal foreign trade during trade crisis corresponding to Mexican peso crisis, the Asian financial crisis and the Russian debt crisis, while the op posite is true during the internet bubble burst and the US subprime crisis.
老师们、同学们:  大家好!  著名音乐人高晓松说:“生活不止眼前的苟且,还有诗和远方的田野。”当我们慨叹学业繁忙或叫嚷世事不平的时候,可曾想起捧读一本书,走进书的美妙世界,唤起对读书、对生活的热爱?  我和大家一样,也曾发过牢骚,有过不少埋怨,但一个偶然的机会,我在学校附近的那家书店邂逅了林清玄的《人生最美是清欢》。它那雅致的封面,极富诗意的名称,瞬间吸引了我。我买回家后如饥似渴地翻看,竟然被书
观点:二胎=玩伴+朋友+亲人  该不该支持父母生二胎,当然应该啦。同志们,让我们回想一下。你是否曾为了吃雪糕而顶着酷暑冒死出行?你是否曾面对快餐店的第二杯半价无奈摇头?你是
老师们、同学们:  大家好!  假如人心是一方小池,书就如一泓清泉,潺潺缓缓,呢喃起诗的涟漪,让我心清如许。  皎洁的月光下,桂影婆娑,手捧一本让人痴迷的书。这份惬意,幸哉,美哉!  小时候,总爱掌一盏明灯,守在院中的桂树下,静静地读书。月明如水,灯暖如阳,树上的阑虫你吟我唱,应和着书页轻轻走动的声音。有时,我会抬起头来,望一眼盘虬卧龙的树干,不由遐想,月宫上的吴刚,还有嫦娥,是不是也在桂树下读书
六月,窗外蝉鸣聒噪不断。  教室里,学生们昏昏欲睡 ;教室外,一双眼睛火冒三丈。他冲进教室,把讲台上同样似睡非睡的老师吓了一跳。  同学们立马竖起了耳朵,挺直了背,抬起了头。  不出所料,一阵狂风暴雨后,他气冲冲地走了,同学们恍然大悟:窗口有人盯梢。  他——这个班的班主任,自认为有权随时查看学生的学习情况,尽管他知道,这种行为让同学们厌恶。不过,这几天同学们异常认真,让他很是欣慰。也只有同学们自