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由于我国农业与世界农业相比 ,在竞争力上具有一定的劣势 ,因此 ,入世后 ,我国农业和农产品贸易将会受到较大的冲击 ,并不可避免地加剧农业剩余人口的转移和就业问题。而农业剩余人口的转移和城市流动人口的增多 ,又将导致城市流动人口犯罪的增加 ,对此必须有一个清醒地认识。解决这一问题 ,必须正确处理好“堵”与“疏”、整体利益与局部利益、长远利益与眼前利益的关系。具体对策是 :从宏观上 ,保持稳定和适当的经济增长率 ,积极促进非农行业就业 ;积极调整产业结构 ,努力消除“入世”对我国农业的负面影响 ;加快小城镇建设 ;建立健全有中国特色的农村社保体系 ;进一步完善社会治安综合治理体制。从微观上 ,完善人口流动制度 ,加强对城市流动人口的管理、教育和培训 ,严励打击城市流动人口犯罪。 Compared with the world agriculture, agriculture in our country has a certain disadvantage in competitiveness. Therefore, after China’s accession to the WTO, the trade in agriculture and agricultural products in our country will suffer a greater impact and will inevitably aggravate the problem of the transfer and employment of the remaining agricultural population. However, the transfer of surplus agricultural population and the increase of floating population in urban areas will in turn lead to the increase of crimes committed by urban migrants. Therefore, we must have a clear understanding of this. To solve this problem, we must correctly handle the relationship between “blocking” and “sparseness”, the overall interest and the local interest, the long-term interest and immediate interests. The specific measures are: macroscopically maintaining a stable and appropriate rate of economic growth, and actively promoting employment in non-agricultural industries; actively adjusting industrial structure and making efforts to eliminate the negative impact of the accession to the WTO on agriculture in our country; accelerating the construction of small towns and cities; Characteristics of rural social security system; to further improve the comprehensive management of public security system. From the microcosmic point of view, the system of population mobility should be perfected, the management, education and training of urban migrants should be stepped up and the crimes against urban migrants should be severely punished.
摘 要:随着中小学课程改革的不断深入和实施,课堂教学模式逐渐发生了改变。“先学后教”课堂教学模式主要是以学生为课堂的主导,转变了学生和教师的身份,从实际出发,通过教师对课堂策略的调整,引导学生更好的接受知识,找到解决数学问题的方法。本文就以“先学后教”课堂教学模式为主要内容进行了简要的探讨。  关键词:先学后教;小学数学;应用  一、 前言  为了深化我国教育体制改革,改变传统的教学模式,形成以学
在普通高校发展中,音乐教育是培养学生综合素质的重要内容。基于此,本文将围绕如何提高高校大学生音乐欣赏水平,对高校学生的音乐教育进行具体分析。 In the development of