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目的:应用锥束计算机体层摄影术(cone-beam computed tomography,CBCT)研究成年骨性II类及III类高角错合患者下切牙区牙槽骨形态的差异。方法:从2015年10月至2017年8月在北京大学口腔医院就诊并且拍摄了CBCT的患者中筛选出骨性II类及III类高角错合患者各31名,对患者下切牙区牙槽骨的高度、牙槽骨面积及牙槽骨厚度进行测量,并应用SPSS 17.0软件进行独立样本 t 检验分析。结果:两组相比,骨性Ⅲ类组患者的下切牙牙槽骨唇侧根尖区的牙槽骨面积及唇侧总牙槽骨面积均低于骨性Ⅱ类组患者,下切牙唇侧根尖处的牙槽骨厚度也低于骨性Ⅱ类组患者,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。在下切牙牙槽骨舌侧釉牙骨质界(cemento-enamel junction,CEJ)下6 mm,骨性Ⅲ类组患者的舌侧根尖区及舌侧总牙槽骨面积均低于骨性Ⅱ类组患者。在下切牙牙槽骨舌侧CEJ下4 mm、6 mm以及舌侧根尖处的牙槽骨厚度,骨性Ⅲ类组患者也低于骨性Ⅱ类组患者,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:骨性III类高角错合患者下切牙区牙槽骨的面积及厚度在唇舌侧根尖区明显小于骨性II类高角错合患者,在对其进行前牙的唇舌向移动时尤其要注意转矩的控制,以防止根吸收及骨开窗、骨开裂的发生。 OBJECTIVE: To study the difference of alveolar bone morphology in inferior incisors of adult skeletal Class II and Class III malocclusion patients using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Methods: From October 2015 to August 2017 at the Peking University Stomatological Hospital and the patients with CBCT were screened out, there were 31 patients with high grade II and III high angle malocclusion respectively. The alveolar bone Height, alveolar area and alveolar bone thickness were measured, and SPSS 17.0 software was used for independent sample t-test analysis. Results: Compared with the two groups, the alveolar bone area and labial alveolar bone area in the labial alveolar area of ​​the lower incisor alveolar bone group were lower than those in the bony group Ⅱ group, The thickness of alveolar bone was also lower than that of patients with osteosarcoma Ⅱ, the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05). Under the cemento-enamel junction (CEJ) of 6 mm in the inferior incisor, the total area of ​​the lingual apical and lingual alveolar bone in the osteosarcoma group Ⅲ was lower than that in the skeletal class Ⅱ Group patients. The thickness of alveolar bone at 4 mm and 6 mm under the CEJ of the inferior incisor alveolar bone and at the apical lingual apex were also lower in patients with osteosarcoma type Ⅲ than in patients with osteosarcoma Ⅱ group (P & lt; 0.05 ). CONCLUSIONS: The area and thickness of the alveolar bone in the lower incisor area of ​​patients with osteal Class III malocclusion are significantly less than those with high malocclusion in the lingual area, with particular attention paid to the labial and lingual movement of the anterior teeth Torque control to prevent root absorption and bone fenestration, bone cracking occurs.
17世纪中叶以前,人们把空气看成是单一的物质。到了18世纪,科学家通过对燃烧和呼吸的研究,才开始认识到空气成分的复杂性,并且陆续发现了碳酸气、 Before the middle of the
【内容摘要】情境教育为小学语文教学提供了一个有效的方法。教学过程中教师要结合小学生的思维特点,通过音乐渲染情境、以表演体会情境、以语言描绘,再现生活情境,还可以创设情境发挥想象力,写想象作文。  【关键词】语文教学 情境教育 创设情境  李吉林老师的情境教学法是小学语文教学的有效方法之一。情境教学是:“创设典型场景,激起儿童热烈情绪,把情感活动与认知活动结合起来的一种教学模式。①”情境教育本质上是
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5月16日 晴  从前,在一座森林里,住着许多小动物。当然,百兽之王——老虎肯定是少不了的。  瞧,老虎来了!它身披一件黄白相间的衣服,头上有黑色的“王”字花纹,嘴巴一张,满口锋利的牙齿露出来,令人不寒而栗。所有的动物都怕它。可就有这么一只年幼的小蚊子,不顾家人的反对,要前去和老虎比试比试呢。  一天中午,老虎打了个哈欠,睡起觉来。小蚊子就依靠轻巧的身体和灵巧的翅膀,飞到老虎耳边,举起小喇叭,大声
岁末年初是许多企业最为忙碌的时节——又要开始在企业内部进行绩效评价考核。绩效考核作为人力资源管理的工具和方法,其对于企业管理的重要性已为广大的管理者所认同, The