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恩格斯说过,“世界上最美丽的花朵是思维着的精神。”据此,我们也可以这样说,在新闻天地中,最美丽的花朵应是形象思维着的精神。而联想则又是形象思维运动的前奏——心理学告诉我们,各种心理过程都离不开联想,形象思维尤其如此。也可以说,联想,在形象思维中是能使人热血沸腾的“肾上腺素”,是能在人的心灵里酿成形象化“佳酿”并让人为之心醉的酒曲。怎样运用联想? 我们有些记者从深入生活中采集到的大量材料,常常犹如花间飞舞的蝴蝶、水上嬉游的自鹭,美丽、有趣、生气勃勃,可是一到下笔时,这些有血有肉、栩栩如生的东西,就似被制成了生物标本一样,虽未走样,却失去了生命 Engels said, “The most beautiful flower in the world is the spirit of thinking.” From this we can also say that in the news world, the most beautiful flowers should be the image-thinking spirit. And Lenovo is another prelude to the image thinking movement - Psychology tells us that all kinds of psychological processes are inseparable from the association, the image of thinking in particular. It can also be said that Lenovo, in the image of thinking is to make people excited, “adrenaline”, is able to create in the human mind visualized “wine” and make people intoxicated song. How do we use the association? Some of our reporters collected a great deal of material from in-depth life, often like flying butterflies and self-herding animals on the water, beautiful, interesting and lively, but these are full of flesh and blood when they are finished Things, like being made into biological specimens, have not gone, but lost their lives
Considering the spatial position and shape detection properties of the fiber Bragg grating (FBG) curve sensor used in the human body,the positioning accuracy of
不少青年朋友常常这样问我 :你没上过大学 ,怎么会喜欢文学这一行 ?又怎么会走上当作家这条路的 ?我总是毫不犹豫地告诉他们 :我是在图书馆里读我的大学 ,在图书馆里学会文学
It has been a tremendous challenge to manufacture damage-free and smooth surfaces of potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP) crystals to meet the requirements of h
新中国建立的时候 1949年9月下旬,中国人民政治协商会议在北平举行。它的重要意义,毛泽东在开幕词中说得明白。“我们的工作将写在人类的历史上。它将表明,占人类总数1/4的
在现今的技术社会中,技术的价值已经不仅仅局限于技术的实用性,技术的审美价值也是其中重要的方面。技术美正是人与技术之间的一种合理关系的体现。 本文坚持主体性原则,从人