Drug control of Schwann cells during peripheral nerve repair

来源 :中国神经再生研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yusaihua
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Peripheral nerve damage is a common injury in trauma patients.It can cause sensory loss,motor dysfunction and peripheral neuropathy.At present,more than 1 million people worldwide are affected by peripheral nerve injury caused by traffic accidents,disease or iatrogenic injury (such as tumorectomy and orthopedic procedures).The surgical repair of most injuries is improving rapidly,owing to advances in microsurgical techniques,but other factors contributing to recovery from peripheral nerve damage,such as nerve protection and regeneration,cannot be improved by surgery.Therefore,effective drug therapy is important in the treatment of peripheral nerve injury.This article highlights the role of drug therapy in peripheral nerve regeneration.
The repair of long-segment peripheral nerve defects is obviously a difficult clinical problem.For short-segment nerve defects (less than four times the diameter
The brachial plexus is the web connection center for connecting the limb effector to motor neurons of the brain and anterior h of the spinal cord.Brachial plexu
Peripheral nerve defects are a common disabling injury.Peripheral nerve injuries arise from trauma,cancer,or congenital defects,and are challenging clinical iss
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线叶龙胆Gentiana farreri Balf.f为龙胆科龙胆属植物,以全草人药,称高山龙胆。性味苦寒,人肝胆经,具有清热燥湿,清火定惊之功,用于湿热黄疸、喉痛、眼睛赤目,阴囊肿痛,胆囊炎等证。目前商品流通均为野生品,无栽培品种。市场上多以三江源土特产销售,商品名:玉美人。广泛分布于青甘藏高原,生于高山草甸、山谷草滩,海拔3050-4800米。主要产于青海玉树、刚察、玛多、玛沁、泽库、河南、湟
Following peripheral nerve injury,distal and proximal fibers undergo a series of changes in cell and molecular biology that can result in hypoesthesia,neuropath
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Peripheral nerve injury can result in severe paralysis and dysfunction.For a long time,achieving the repair and regeneration of injured peripheral nerves has be
目的探讨精神分裂症患者复发的危险因素.方法对114例精神分裂症患者进行前瞻性观察和3年随访研究.结果 Logistic回归分析筛选出主要危险因素为病前性格、治疗依从性和疗效;单