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“我们都在隐隐地影响着世上每一秒钟的风吹草动。即使有些人你从未见过,他们在跨越千山万水的另一处滴落的眼泪,都可能翻山越岭地成为你头顶的雨水。”秦越坐在一家带咖啡桌的唱片店里,翻阅着桌上的书,正盯着这段话出神时,一位短发女孩带着风从身旁经过。回过神的秦越觉着她似曾相识,浮上记忆的表层却难以看清。她是周果。高二在读生。高一那年和学校志同道合的五位同学组建乐队,取名五果,他们的表演成了学校每次艺术节的领军节目。作 “We all are faintly influencing every second of the world’s turmoil, and even though some of you have never seen them, the tears they drip across a stretch of mountains and rivers can turn you into mountains Head of rain. ”Qin Yue sat in a record shop with a coffee table, read the book on the table, staring at the passage of time, a short hair girl with the wind from passing by. Qin Yue Yue feel her deja vu, floating on the surface of the memory is hard to see. She is a week fruit. Sophomore students. During his senior year, five students who were like-minded with the school formed a band named Five Fruits and their performance became the leader of every art festival in the school. Make
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在相似系统理论的基础上,识别了火炮反后坐装置要素,确定了相似元数值的大小,计算了反后坐装置系统相似度。结果表明:相似系统理论在火炮中的应用是一个值得注意的新领域。 On t
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