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中国果树葡萄考察组一行三人于1982年8月赴匈牙利对果树葡萄进行了考察。现将考察情况简介如下: 匈牙利位于欧州中部,气候温和,年均温10℃左右;年降雨量500~600毫米,西部与东北少数地区可达600~800毫米。日照时数1900~2050,有效积温(日均温10℃以上的全年总和)3000~3300℃。果树面积共402万亩,年产各种水果约240万吨,其中葡萄252万亩,苹果75万亩,梨、桃、李、杏、樱桃等约75万亩。苹果总产100余万吨,葡萄总产80余万吨。 据匈方介绍:在50年代匈牙利农业生产是落后的,60年代初从国情出发,制定了新政策后,农业生产和农业科学技术才得到迅速发展。他们一方面大力推行农办工商科(研)的联合体制,一方面发展科学技术,对果树葡萄生产进行技术改造,他们从讲求经济效益出发在生产技术上抓了以下几方面工作: 1.及时更换品种和更新老园:一方面努力选用新的优良品种,及时更换旧的、低产质劣的品种;一方面努力促进幼树早期丰产,及时更新老园。近年以红玉M-40、红玉-41、新红星、金矮生等各种优系逐步代替普通型的红玉、红星和金冠。葡萄方面大力 China fruit tree grapes inspection team of three people went to Hungary in August 1982 on the fruit grapes were inspected. The briefing on the present situation is as follows: Hungary is located in the central part of Europe with mild climate with an annual average temperature of about 10 ℃. The annual rainfall is 500-600 mm, while that in the western and northeastern regions is as high as 600-800 mm. Sunshine hours 1900 ~ 2050, effective accumulated temperature (average daily temperature above 10 ℃ for the whole year) 3000 ~ 3300 ℃. Fruit tree area of ​​402 mu, annual output of about 2.4 million tons of various fruits, of which 252 mu of grapes, 750000 acres of apples, pears, peaches, plums, apricots, cherries, about 750000 acres. Apple’s total output of more than 100 million tons, more than 80 million tons of grapes. According to the Hungarian introduction: Agricultural production in Hungary was backward in the 1950s. From the national conditions in the early 1960s, after the formulation of the new policy, agricultural production and agricultural science and technology have been rapidly developed. On the one hand, they vigorously promote the joint institution of business and industry (agricultural research) in the agricultural sector. On the one hand, they are developing science and technology and carrying out technological transformation on the production of fruit trees and grapevines. From the perspective of economic efficiency, they grasp the following aspects in production technology: 1. Timely Replacing Varieties and Renewing Old Gardens: On the one hand, efforts will be made to select new fine varieties for the timely replacement of old ones with low yield and poor quality; on the one hand, efforts will be made to promote the early yield of saplings and to update the old gardens in time. In recent years, ruby ​​M-40, ruby ​​-41, the new red star, gold dwarf and other excellent system and gradually replace the common type of ruby, red star and Golden Delicious. Grape vigorously
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