中共湖北省委办公厅 湖北省人民政府办公厅关于转发《荆沙市委、市政府关于减轻企业负担的若干规定》的通知

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现将《荆沙市委、市人民政府关于减轻企业负担的若干规定》转发你们,供参阅借鉴。下决心制止向企业乱收费、乱摊派,减轻企业负担,是一项事关经济发展和社会稳定的紧迫任务,省委、省政府对此历来十分重视,并于去年初以省政府第66号令发布了《湖北省关于减轻企业负担制止向企业摊派的规定》,各地也做了大量工作。但从目前情况看,企业负担依然很重,各级党委、政府对此必须引起高度重视,把这项工作纳入重要议事日程,利用法律、行政手段进行必要的干预,象抓减轻农民负担一样解决企业负担过重问题。当前,一是要对本地区、本部门的收费项目进行一次审定,清理公布收费项目,做到收费项目、收费标准、收费行为公开化、法制化。二是要下决心查处一批顶风违纪案件,加强舆论监督、审计监督、群众监督和法制监督,使企业的合法权益得到真正维护。 The “Several Regulations on the Relief of Enterprise Burden by the Municipal Committee of Jingsha Municipality and the People’s Government” is forwarded to you for reference. Determined to stop arbitrary charges and indiscriminate assignments to enterprises and reduce the burden on enterprises is an urgent task concerning economic development and social stability. The provincial Party committee and the provincial government have always attached great importance to this, and in early last year it took Provincial Order No. 66. The “Provisions of Hubei Province on Reducing the Enterprise’s Burden and Apportioning Payments to Enterprises” was issued, and a great deal of work has been done in various places. However, judging from the current situation, the burden on enterprises is still very heavy. The party committees and governments at all levels must attach great importance to this work, put this work into the agenda, use legal and administrative measures to carry out necessary interventions, and solve the problem as if they are to reduce the burden on peasants. Business is overburdened. At present, first, it is necessary to conduct a review of the charging items in this region and its own departments, clean up the publication of charging items, and ensure that the charging items, charging standards, and charging behavior are made public and legalized. Second, we must resolve to investigate and punish a batch of wind-breaking cases, strengthen public opinion supervision, audit supervision, mass supervision, and legal supervision so that the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises can be truly maintained.
水八仙  水八仙是苏南、浙北地区的传统食物,又称水八鲜,包括茭白、莲藕、水芹、芡实(鸡头米)、茨菰(慈菇)、荸荠、莼菜、菱角八种水生植物的可食部分。  金风送爽时节,苏州人口中鲜藕的余香未散,接着就有了芋艿、水红菱和飘着桂花香的软糯鸡头米。路上三三两两现剥现卖鸡头米的妇女,也成了  道这个时节特有的风景。品尝着这水灵灵、鲜滋滋的水八仙,苏州人不由得感到生活在苏州,真是种福气。  吴门水乡,水生作物
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牙科弯手机俗称“弯车头”或“弯机头”,为口腔临床中最常用工具之一,如果平时保养不当,则易发生机械故障。兹以4号弯手机为例将其常见故障和维修方法介绍如下, (一)手机发
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