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各市人民政府,各县(市、区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构,各大企业,各高等院校: 为全面落实《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》和《山东省突发公共卫生事件应急办法》,进一步加强全省疾病预防控制和传染病救治体系(以下简称“两个体系”)建设,根据国家统一部署,结合我省实际情况,提出以下意见: 一、充分认识加强两个体系建设的重要性自抗击传染性非典型肺炎(以下简称“非典”)斗争开展以来,全省疾病预防控制和传染病救治机构在预防非典传播扩散和救治病人等方面发挥了十分重要的作用。同时,也暴露出体系不健全、机构建设薄弱、应急能力差等一些亟待解决的问题。进一步采取切实有效的措施,加强两个体系的建设,是摆在各级政府面前一项十分紧迫的任务。近年来、虽然各地在两个体系建设方面做了一些工作,但由于投入少、欠账大,全省疾病预防控制和传染病救治机构建设仍然十分薄弱,主要是装备落后、网络不 People’s governments of all cities, people’s governments of all counties (cities, districts), departments of provincial governments, all subordinate agencies, major enterprises and colleges and universities: To fully implement the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases and the “ Public health emergency measures ”to further strengthen the province’s disease prevention and control and infectious disease treatment system (hereinafter referred to as“ two systems ”) construction, according to the unified national deployment, combined with the actual situation in our province, the following observations: First, the full Understanding the Importance of Strengthening the Construction of the Two Systems Since the struggle against SARS (SARS) began, the province’s disease prevention and control and communicable disease relief agencies have played a role in preventing SARS from spreading and treating patients A very important role. At the same time, it also revealed some problems to be solved, such as the unsound system, weak institution building and poor emergency response capability. To further adopt effective measures and strengthen the building of the two systems is a very urgent task for all levels of government. In recent years, although some efforts have been made in the construction of the two systems, the construction of disease prevention and control and infectious disease treatment institutions in the province remains weak due to a small investment and a large amount of outstanding debts. The problems are mainly the backward equipment and the lack of networks
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从国外进口的N制录像机,价格便宜,又能录放VCD、LD影碟节目。因此很受消费者欢迎,但N制机不具备P制功能,给使用带来不便。解决办法如下: 1.伺服部分 N制录像机鼓速为30r/s,P
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随着春节临近,人员流动增多,疫情传播风险进一步加大。面对这种形势,多地先后发出“春节期间非必要不返乡”的倡议,提出“就地过年”。  “就地过年”是强制性措施吗?有何生活保障?春节期间快递能否正常送货到家?遭遇“甩锅式防疫”怎么办?这些问题备受舆论关注。  1月27日,国务院联防联控机制召开新闻发布会,介绍《关于做好人民群众就地过年服务保障工作的通知》(下称“《通知》”)有关情况。提倡春节就地过年,
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