致睿中国区首个压榨毛毯生产基地在昆山开业 同期举行“致睿·臻享造纸之悦”技术研讨会

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本刊讯(杨晨鸣报道)“我们非常骄傲地将拥有203年积累的技术带到中国市场,在中国的昆山生产世界一流水平的纸机织物,中国的客户将首次收到致睿本地化生产的更优化的、更先进的毛布。昆山工厂的成立,也是致睿在全球发展战略中最重要的一步。”致睿(XERIUM)全球总裁兼首席执行官Harold Bevis,2015年10月28日在昆山宣布,致睿首期投资4000万美元在中国的首个压榨毛毯生产 Benjixun (Report from Yang Chenming) “We are very proud to bring 203 years of accumulated technology to the Chinese market, producing a world-class machine-made fabric in Kunshan, China. For the first time, customers in China will receive localized production Of the more optimized and advanced fleece. ”The establishment of the Kunshan plant is also the single most important step for Citrix in its global growth strategy." Harold Bevis, Global President and CEO, XERIUM, 28 October 2015 Announced in Kunshan that it will invest 40 million U.S. dollars in the first phase of China’s first pressing blanket production
本刊讯近日,意大利Toscotec公司的一台AHEAD2.0S卫生纸机在葡萄牙Portucel Soporcel集团的下属公司AMS BR Star Paper公司成功开机。该公司位于葡萄牙东部,此前,其订购的另外
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国内领先的专业辊压机系统整体解决方案技术服务商The overall solution technology service provider of professional roller press system leading公司简介成都九泰科技有
中国珍珠之都山下湖镇,位于西施故里浙江诸暨的东北部,北靠杭州,东临绍兴,交通便利。区域面积42.56平方公里,人口2.89万, The Pearl capital of China, Shanxiahu Town, is
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硬壳蛤(Mercenaria mercenaria Linnaeus)是我国近年来从美国引进的双壳贝类,隶属瓣鳃纲、真瓣鳃目、帘蛤科,又称小圆蛤、北方帘蛤或美洲帘蛤。它个体大、肉质鲜美、营养丰富
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